Know It! Own It! Do It!
Even though
Even though your morning may not have been productive, there is still much you can accomplish in the afternoon. Even though you’ve suffered some setbacks, there are still plenty of options for moving forward.
Even though you may disagree with what someone has to say, you can benefit greatly from understanding that person’s point of view. Even though you find yourself in difficult and challenging circumstances, there is much value for you to create.
Even though you may feel like quitting, you have what it takes to keep going. Even though the goal seems far away, every step brings you closer.
Even though there are plenty of reasons for you to feel sorry for yourself, you can choose instead to renew your determination and enthusiasm. Even though your path is filled with obstacles, you can truly enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from successfully moving beyond each one.
Even though darkness may at times surround you, your light can shine more brightly than ever. Even though you may occasionally grow weary, there’s always a way to renew and re-energize yourself.
Even though the road has its twists and turns, the journey is worth the effort. Keep going, keep growing, keep learning and loving and living with all the richness your precious life deserves.
Where there is a purpose
When there is a reason, there is a way. Where there is a purpose, there is a path.
You are capable of reaching higher and higher levels of achievement. The reason you have not yet reached some of them is because you have not yet had a compelling enough reason to do so.
When thinking of what you can do, stop thinking only in terms of what you have done. Think in terms of what you desire, what you can imagine, and what you can dream.
Think in terms of your purpose. Connect your awareness to whatever drives you, and it will drive you far indeed.
Purpose will find a way around the most stubborn obstacles. Purpose will bring the most meaningful and valuable possibilities into reality.
Follow the purpose that is truly you. And effectiveness, enthusiasm, achievement, joy and fulfillment will all flow into your life.
Be different
To make a difference, you often must be different. It takes courage and confidence to go against the grain of negativity that surrounds you, and such courage can bring great rewards.
Where others see only doom and gloom, look for the bright glimmer of opportunity. For it is most certainly there.
When everyone is looking for someone to blame for what has already happened, turn your focus toward the future. Exploring the current possibilities will create infinitely more value than arguing over past failures.
When you encounter rudeness and irritation, generously offer your own polite and confident patience. When you bump up against the arrogance of another person, melt it away with your own sincere, self-assured humility.
Just because everyone is heading in a negative direction doesn’t mean you must go that way too. On the contrary, it’s a valuable opportunity for you to set a positive example.
In times of great difficulty and stress, choose to be a beacon of encouragement, understanding and positive purpose. Be different, and you can truly make a valuable positive difference.
The warm glow of life
Make the world brighter today. Do it not because you should, but because you can.
The reason for joy is joy. It needs nothing more than to be.
Feel the warm glow of life. Marvel at the exquisite beauty in every detail.
Gently accept and embrace the richness of this moment that is now. Give sweet expression to the unique voice living within you.
With each fresh gust of the breeze, there are new possibilities. There is more to experience than you can even imagine.
Choose to live and to fulfill just a small fraction of the immense promise that is now. And you’ll find life to be rich beyond all measure.
No struggle
Make the effort, to be sure. But do not make it into a struggle.
Struggle is not a specific condition or action. It is a label that casts a negative spin on your efforts and unnecessarily puts you at a disadvantage.
If you see yourself as struggling, your expectations are already lowered and the best you can hope for is to break even. Yet there’s never any reason to see yourself as struggling.
Yes, the challenges may indeed be great. And you have what it takes to make real and steady progress in the face of those challenges.
Instead of seeing yourself as a victim, see yourself as making the most of a valuable experience. Rather than living in fear of being pushed back, seize with enthusiasm every opportunity to move forward.
Every situation is what it is, but it never has to be a struggle. For you are capable of doing much, much better than that.
Conquer doubt
Are your doubts holding you back? The way to conquer your doubts is with action.
Wondering about whether you can do it will not get it done. The only way to know for sure is to jump right in and get started.
Avoiding the challenges will only make those challenges grow bigger. Instead, walk right up to each challenge, and the closer you get, the more ways you’ll discover to get beyond it.
If you wait until conditions are perfect, all you’ll ever do is wait. Great accomplishments are given birth by starting from where you are with what you have.
As soon as you start to take action, you’ll begin to replace your doubts with courage and confidence. The more you do, the more insignificant and powerless those doubts will become.
Stop wondering and start doing. Once you’ve done it you’ll always know, without the slightest doubt, that you can.
The power of your passion
Though the odds may not be in your favor, you can do it. Though the challenges are great, you can make it happen.
People will likely tell you it’s impossible. Even so, you can find a way to make it possible and to make it real.
When it means enough to you, then you can do it. When you are willing and committed and persistent, you will get yourself there.
Look within yourself and find those values that you most earnestly desire to express with your life. The things that are most genuinely important to you are the things that will power your achievements.
When you can put the power of your passion behind it, you will create it. Make the effort to find and to know that passion, and there is no limit to what you can accomplish.
Be utterly true to who you are. And fulfill your greatest possibilities.
— Ralph Marston