Know, Like, and Trust that you are Known, Liked, and Trusted.

Know, Like, and Trust that you are Known, Liked, and Trusted.

The know, like, and trust component has been around for multiple decades. At any given moment of the day, a business is trying to figure out this aspect for their company. It is the essence of the business cycle, as you move from hidden to revealed to a revered provider.

I first heard about it when I was early getting into my business. The American Marketing Association had done a study that showed that 85% of consumers buy from a company that they know, like and trust, or have been referred to a business from someone who is known, liked, and trusted. Interesting was that this study had been done previously years ago with the same results. Moreover, it is these same characteristics that drive how and where your clients purchase today.

So with these goals of engagement being such a dominant force for many years have we learned. It is one of the great questions of businesses today and where millions of dollars are spent influencing these factors. However, I wonder, has our business marketing become too much like the little boy that kept crying wolf? You know how that turned out. What if for us to experience business to the brim that we may best serve our village differently.

The greatest teacher of all time was constantly urging students to not tell people about him, in fact, he went to great lengths of forbidding them in spreading the news of his life-changing message. It was an oxymoron in today's business culture. The students couldn't help themselves share because the teaching had so changed their outlook on life. This teacher had a deep calm and knew that he was known, and liked, and trusted, so he didn't need to facilitate desperate marketing tactics to get more followers.

His focus was on the value and excellence of the message and how it related to the audience. This value spoke for itself. Less time was spent on making sure the message was pushed on others and allowed its magnetism to pull others into the tribe.

How do we move out of the chaotic and noisy into a calmer more serene marketing environment?

I recently had a business come to me, and it was their feeling that their prospects didn't know knew what they did. It is a real concern for your business. There is no denying the truth of the matter. It would be best if you had these factors in place to be able to turn on the lights. You won't have a client if they don't know you exist to solve their problem, or somehow give them a chance to like you, let alone produce a rock of trust for them to do a transaction and bring in revenue.

What if the answer lies within the problem?

For us to be known, we must know. It is for us to like before being liked. We are required to trust ahead of expecting trust.

Let's start with KNOW. You take it upon yourself to know who your prospect is. The difference between those who are successful in business over the long haul and those who are not, comes down to the amount of time taken to know first? This idea is not something new, but have you done it? Have you spent time researching and studying your audience? For most of you, the answer is no.

I have been there and done it myself. I had mentors and business experts telling me to figure out my avatar/ideal client. What happened was I cheated my perfect client, because I didn't take the necessary time to learn who they were or what they were going through. The result was that my message never landed, and both of us lost out.

It takes work on the front end, but the effect is long-lasting. Think about any of your stable relationships whether a significant other or friend. The more you learn about them, the easier it is. You are not walking in the dark but guided by the light of knowledge.

How did you get to know them? You asked them questions. You showed interest in who they were and what they had experienced. Do the same with your business and watch what happens.

How many of you would like a list of questions to ask to help you determine your ideal audience of one? Would that be helpful?

Again, you probably have seen something similar, but make the outcome different this time and follow through. Do the work necessary to determine who is the audience who is listening to you.

1. What is their demographic - meaning what is their socioeconomic characteristics?:

a) age

b) male or female

c) education level

d) income level

e) marital status

f) occupation

g) religion

h) size of family

2. What are their tendencies? - personality types or past buying or previous decisions

The deeper you go into determining this question, the better you will be able to serve. These are questions about what have they done in the past, to help decide on their possible trajectory in the future. It is getting into their core beliefs of how life should be for them. This questioning is where I failed many times as I felt bothersome to my audience. What I discovered, it was an effort that was worthwhile. People want you to see them. They will answer your questions because of this fact.

Now you will get a glimpse into a tendency in the future. A couple of resources that I have used to help determine the bias of a client or potential client is or The first choice has a free test available, but the info will be sent to the test taker, so you will need to gather that information from them. The second option does cost, but you can set up a business account and have the results sent directly to you.

An important reminder is that this information MUST be used for the best interest of your audience and to further them along. Don't do this is if you intend to manipulate a client for your benefit only.

3. What is the problem your audience wants to be solved at this moment?

These will fall into a spectrum of main issues such as; health, finances, or relationships to mention a couple. Determine the pain they are in and to what lengths they will go to remove it. Ask them in a way that engages them to answer. A mentor of mine asks, "If I were to put on a training around ____________, would that be of interest?" Now, she knows if her expertise lines up with a "want to solve this problem." You will not know the problem that needs solved until they give it to you.

Also, be aware that someone's current problem may be an excellent opportunity to maximize your network as it doesn't line up with your competence. I meet an individual recently at a networking event that had her last day at a company because of being downsized, and came to the event to find a new job. I introduced her to a member of my mastermind and now she is working for them.

Listen to their problem and help them solve it and move into the next stage. We will discuss more of that later.

Now, once you have these three questions answered, then summarize the characteristics of this person in 2 or 3 sentences. Please go do this. You will start to see clarity and gain so much from this exercise.

I am going to come back to the LIKE and TRUST section in next weeks post and summarize it because I want you to do the homework and know who your audience is first.

If you are interested, you can download the form that I use with my clients in helping them determine their audience. Comment below or direct message me, I will send it over.

Doug Kliewer is a best selling author and founder of The Hero Maker Group. Most conscientious business leaders complicate their message to prospects. The Hero Maker Group coaches a 5-part blueprint that makes your story be seen and heard so your impact and revenues grow. His Hero Maker Showcase is designed to help authors and aspiring authors create presentations and marketing videos that get their story into the hands of the right reader. Go visit to learn about the upcoming Hero Maker Showcase or how you can get seen and heard by your audience.

Brian T Flippin

Founder at I'M JAM - JUST A MAN

5 年

Great stuff Doug.

Lisa F Kosak

Are you a small business with big dreams? We're the local bank that gets it. Let's build your future together. Driving business growth through collaboration in business banking, sales, and leadership.

5 年

Great thoughts Doug! Very insightful and realistic!

Doug Kliewer

Coaching Entrepreneurs to make Heroes and impact measurable change

5 年

Thank you Melinda (Bricker) Prince?for sharing this with your network!



