Know the details of your Insurance Policies during Hurricane Season!
August has started and we are smack in the middle of Hurricane season that is scheduled to last until the end of November. By now you would have seen our articles with tips entailing how to prepare evacuation plans, evacuation kits, and how to protect your home and your property from the harmful effects of Hurricanes.
Today we would like to talk about the importance of knowing the details of your insurance policies during the Hurricane season.?
Know your Coverage
Do you know the coverage that you are entitled to under your current policy? Does your insurance policy provide coverage specifically for natural disasters, hurricanes and hurricane damage? Was this outlined in the policy information when you first obtained this policy? If not, then you need a new homeowner’s policy.
You may go into the hurricane season assuming that your home insurance policy covers any and all damage done to your home, but guess what? This might not include damage caused by natural disasters or hurricanes! Ensure that you have a solid Homeowners policy that provides you with the protection you need this season.?
Review your Policy
Let’s say you took out a property or contents insurance policy a few years ago but since then you upgraded your home and purchased some expensive new items; these upgrades and new items would not fall under the existing policies.
For example, if you purchased a new TV AFTER taking out a contents insurance policy it would not automatically be insured by the policy. Instead, you must now update your policy to include coverage for the new contents purchased.
Upgrade your Policy
Can insurance policies be upgraded? In some cases yes. Some insurance policies give you the option of upgrading or add-on benefits in exchange for an increase in monthly
premium. For example, contents insurance policies can offer you additional benefits and coverage in the form of ‘extensions’ to your existing policy at a revised cost.
If you reviewed your existing policy and find that it does not offer you the coverage you need at this time, contact your agent or broker and request for more information on their extensions and make an upgrade to your policy as soon as possible.
We hope that this article was an informative read for you. Do join us again next week for more!