Yes, definitely one can say if someone is having bad intension by looking at their horoscope.
The vedic horoscope is a open book to read and understand a person. The nature of the person from the horoscope will speak many of his intensions.
There are different bhavas / houses in horoscope signifying different element and a person may have his / her bad intension pertaining to the events signified by that house.
So when a querent ask a question to an astrologer about the intension of a person, if a small clue is given to the astrologer then with in less time the prediction can be made.
For example if one need to learn about the bad intension of the person from sex point of view, then one need to study the 5th, 7th, 8th and 12th cuspal sublord ( I am explaining from KP vedic astrology point of view as I am a KP astrologer )
One also need to study the current ruling mahadasha to learn about the bad intension activation period. In other words the strength of the intension.
One need to study how rahu is connected with the signified houses as it is the planet which do not obey the rules and regulation set by the society.
The nature of the person is understood by the placement of moon and the planet associated with the moon in conjunction, aspecting and degree of the moon.
If someone has bad intension to grab one’s property then one need to study the 8th, 2nd, 4th, 6th and 11th house of the horoscope along with the ruling mahadasha period.
So in a nutshell one can learn about bad intension of a person thru his horoscope.
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