Prem Sharma
Sr. Lead Auditor/Assessor & Trainer (QMS-EMS-OHSMS, MDQMS, ABMS, FSMS, EnMS, BCMS, EOMS & Laboratory Accreditation,) for Management Systems
(ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 & ISO 37001 : 2016)
In Eighties , when Globalization (Free Trade across the Globe – World) started taking shape, a need was felt all over the world to have a Standard dedicated to assure the Quality in all business world, be a Manufacturing or Service activities.
"In 1987, the British Government persuaded the International Organisation for Standardisation to adopt BS 5750 as an international standard. BS 5750 became ISO 9000."
International Organization for Standardisation , popularly known as ISO (If we take ISO as a dictionary word – means the equal or Similar) have its head office at “Geneva – Switzerland” , is basically a organization dedicated to the formation of Standards for all sort of Products and Management Systems, have a total of more than 10,000 standards in their kitty. Out of this large pool of Standards ISO 9001 (Quality Management System) & ISO 14001 (Environment Management System) is most popular and accepted world wide.
The actual aim of ISO 9001 Quality Management System is to provide a basic platform and culture in the organization where a good management practices can be adopted to improve the over all image of the organization in order to achieve the followings
* Motivated / Trained Employees
* Improved Customer Satisfaction
* Low Rejection Level in the Organization
* Improved Market Image
* Better Product / Service Quality
* Improved financial Status
To control the Certification process across the world , International Organization for Standardisation (ISO) is having a Forum in the name “International Accreditation Forum” (IAF – , this IAF , gives authority to the “Accreditation Body” , one such body per country . The list of all members ‘Accreditation Body’ (AB) is available at the website of IAF.
Indian Accreditation Body is “NABCB”(\nabcb) – National Accreditation Body for Certification Bodies . In India this AB is working under “Quality Council of India” ( , which is a autonomous body working under “Ministry of Science & Technology”.
Internationally each country is having an ‘Accreditation Body”, which is a member of “International Accreditation Forum” and this forum is a part of “International Organization for Standardisation” . The role of “Accreditation Body” is to regularize and approve the “Certification Body” (CB) , who conducts the audit and award the certificate of compliance to the Organization after conduction a successful audit as per ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 or any other related standard.
All ABs and CBs (which are having direct link with “IAF”) are having ‘Multi-lateral Agreement” (MLA) between them, that any AB or CB can work in any part of the world & certificate issued by that CB under accreditation of any AB (which is a member of “IAF”) will get equal weightage across the globe.
Now Come the important point, how a certified organization can check the authenticity of his Certificate. Its very simple , you please check that your ‘Certification Body’ (CB) is accredited by which ‘Accreditation Body’ (AB) and by visiting the website of “IAF” (, check weather this Accreditation Body (AB) is a valid member of “International Accreditation Forum” or not. This is the only way to check weather you are the holder of a valid certificate or not ? In the recent past a lot of mal-practices have been observed in the market in the name of ISO Certification. Fake Certification Bodies and Accreditation Bodies are spoiling the market in the name of ‘LOW COST CERTIFICATE’ , before falling in the trap of these fake bodies , please ensure the authenticity of the certification & accreditation body.
You can refer following websites ;
- International Accreditation Forum : (IAF)
2. National Accreditation Body for Certification Bodies :\nabcb (NABCB)
3. Quality Council of India : (QCI)
4. Website of your Certification Body
5. Website of your Accreditation Body
ànd Don’t forget to establish the authenticity of “Accreditation Body” by checking the website of ‘International Accreditation Forum” , your AB should be the member of IAF .
Author of this article is ‘Director’ with M/s Diya Training & Certifications Pvt. Ltd. – A leading Indian Training-Consultancy-&-Certification Body, can be contacted at