Know all the tax deductions for investment properties?

Know all the tax deductions for investment properties?

This time of year we’re all thinking and talking about taxes. Yuck.?Although it’s not all bad – as real estate investors, we have some great options to avoid capital gains tax and deduct expenses on a separate schedule from our personal deductions.?

These include deductions like a home office, travel, entertainment, meals. And you can deduct them while still taking the standard deduction personally.?(Just don’t get carried away and trigger an IRS audit. No bueno.)?Read up on more investment property tax deductions here.?One of those deductions you should understand better?


You can deduct the cost of the building itself, and all the items in it. To understand depreciation better, check out our free depreciation calculator and plain-English explanation.?Best of all, you get all these tax advantages (and more) as a passive real estate investor.?

This weeks Facebook and YouTube broadcasts, Brian chatted with Shannon Robnett about his headache-free investment strategy for “industrial” properties. He doesn’t have the same risks that single-family and multifamily investors have.

And you can invest passively in projects like Shannon’s and still get all those juicy tax deductions above, whether by yourself or as part of an investment club like ours.?

Stay in touch and let us know how we can help!

Deni Supplee & G. Brian Davis



