Knot Your Business
Maz and I were relishing a coffee when a colleague walked in laughing his heart out. We were curious and asked him to share the joke. What ensued was an interesting conversation.
Colleague: Ha ha! did you see this meme about Bill and Melinda Gates divorce? It’s hilarious.
Ajay: No offence, but I think it’s cruel. Someone’s marriage, as well as divorce, are deeply personal matters. It shouldn’t be anyone else’s affair.
Colleague: But Bill and Melinda are not just anybody right? Yes, the memes may be a bit cruel, but they are just jokes. And these guys are this billionaire, celebrity, philanthropy couple. We could say they practically have shaped how the health sector across the globe functions today. Do you think this divorce is going to be without consequences? I feel these people should have thought it over.
Maz: That’s quite an observation! So you are saying the people who built an entire tech empire and established a charitable trust that manages $50 billion haven’t thought through their decision to go separate ways!
Colleague: I don’t know. Divorces are ugly. I feel that they shouldn’t have done this, at least for the sake of the non-profits across the world. The Gates are the biggest charitable donors of the US and this split is going to affect the cash flow and functioning of several NGOs out there.
Ajay: Your concern might not be misplaced. But I think if you read their statements closer you might get a bit more clarity on that front.
Yes, they are intending to go separate ways personally, but they have made it clear they would continue their work together at the foundation. Also, the money managed by the foundation cannot be redirected or revoked.
Colleague: Hmm...that’s comforting. But what about the approximate $150 billion that’s estimated to be the Gates’ personal wealth?
Ajay: We can presume that will be split between the couple.
Colleague: My point is that what if each of them chooses to spend that money differently after the divorce? A decade ago, they had committed the majority of their assets to the foundation. We can’t be sure they would stick to it after the divorce. The money that would have otherwise gone to a common cause over the years might now go to Pivotal Ventures or Gates Ventures which are Melinda and Bill’s respective personal investment ventures.
Maz: Possible. But, think about what happened after the Bezos divorce in 2019. Mackenzie Scott, Jeff Bezos's ex-wife, was giving away $1 billion a month towards charity by the end of 2020 making her one of those billionaires who was giving away her money the fastest. Just think about it, the wealth of the richest of the rich increased staggeringly during the pandemic. It was at a time like this that Scott was donating her money at such a fast pace putting pressure on her fellow billionaire philanthropists to emulate her. What more? Months after the divorce, she signed the Giving Pledge by none other than the Gates, committing at least half of her wealth to philanthropy. This was something she and Bezos had refused to do when they were a couple. Bezos in fact still hasn’t signed the pledge, while we have seen Scott becoming more and more active and vocal about philanthropy.
Ajay: So you see, good things do come out of even seemingly bad scenarios. My point is, divorce is not the end of life. And no matter how it goes, it’s definitely not something to joke or make memes about. As members of the business fraternity and as fellow human beings, we have to not only stay away from this ridiculing behaviour but should also call out those cyber bullies. Maybe a divorce is an opportunity for someone to be happier and thus be a more productive and useful person for the world out there. Isn’t that what makes all the difference at the end of the day?
That’s really very nicely said!! Bravo