The Knights Templar and Their Luciferian Roots

The Knights Templar and Their Luciferian Roots

"Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “And you, son of man, will you judge, will you judge the bloody city? Then inform her of all her abominations. And you shall say, ‘This is what the Lord God says: “A city shedding blood in her midst, so that her time is coming; and a city that makes idols, contrary to her own good, for defilement! You have become guilty by the blood which you have shed, and you have become defiled by your idols which you have made. So you have brought your days closer and have come to your years; therefore I have made you a disgrace to the nations, and an object of mocking to all the lands. Those who are near and those who are far from you will make fun of you, you of ill repute, full of turmoil.'"

---Ezekiel 22:1-5

The Knights Templar or the Temple of Solomon were mythicized even before their inception. Lucifer, himself, founded the Temple of Solomon for the purpose of extracting Solomon's gold. Lucifer recruited 20 men of ill repute to do so. Each of the 20 were liars, thieves, cheats, and murderers. Each of the 20 squandered family fortunes and each of the 20 were locked away for crimes against the Roman Catholic Order.

The Roman Catholic Order were the landed Lords and family members of Lords that collected tithes for their Rabbi (rulers) and for the Holy See. In 1000AD, Lucifer himself convinced Pope Pius to establish an "independent body free of politics" to police the lands. He named that body The Holy Order and the name of his soldiers was later Anglicized as the Knights Templar.

The names of his first twenty soldiers by their mothers were Coe, Woe, Muk, Yuk, Reb, Jeb, Ike, Bike, Hit, Zit, Lun, Mun, Pun, Glib, Jib, Rim, Dim, Ian, Quik, and Slim. In 1111AD, Lucifer freed each of the 20 from a dungeon after they pledged fealty to the Temple of Solomon. To prove their loyalty, Lucifer tasked each Knight Templar with murdering their mother and each complied.

After murdering their mothers, Lucifer tasked the original 20 Knights Templar with extracting gold from Solomon's vault. That vault was located within Solomon's Palace temple outside the city of Aleppo. Nearly 2000 years before, Christ buried Solomon's Palace with an earthquake and sandstorm. It took the Knights Templar 7 years to open the vault. During their return trip to Amsterdam, the Knights Templar became lost in the desert and were rescued by Arabian Visionaries.

Arabian Visionaries were descendants of Christendom. Their forefathers served alongside Aram and David. After Jesus was crucified, 100 Arabian Visionaries swore to protect the Holy Mother. The 100 Arabian Visionaries proselytized within the Sunni Muslim world and preached the safeguarded trade routes for the Holy Mother.

Upon rescue, a chalice belonging to Solomon fell from the camel packs of one of the Knights Templar. Four Arabian Visionaries noticed the markings on the chalice as Solomon's and demanded the original 20 Knights Templar deliver Solomon's treasures Pure.

Pure was a sanctuary during the time of David and each of the original 20 Knights Templar promised on their life they would deliver the treasures to Pure. Each betrayed their promise and instead delivered those treasures Lucifer. Each would eventually betray the 4 Arabian Visionaries that rescued them and decimate the Visionary Order in the process.

Lucifer rewarded each of the original 20 Knights Templar with lands and castles when they returned to Paris with Solomon's treasures. Each spent the next 4years recruiting vassals for the Temple of Solomon. Each of the 20 used those vassals to expand their wealth. Most of their vassals were eventually discarded and a few were tortured to death by the Holy See after they revealed the truth about what they had witnessed to the Vatican.

In 1127AD, Lucifer ordered the original 20 Knights Templar to travel to Jerusalem to meet with Baldwin of Borque. Each was accompanied by at least 10 of their vassals. That meeting was arranged by Lucifer through the Pope John XIX to create discord within the Holy Lands.

Within Jerusalem, the original 20 Knights Templar were introduced to the Holy Mother by Arabian Visionaries. Each swore themselves to the Holy Mother and vowed to protect her to the death and each betrayed their oaths 11 times.

Their first betrayal occurred during the Damascus Crusade. Before departing for Damascus, 11 of the original 20 Knights Templar opened the gates to Jerusalem and allowed Tunic Warriors to enter the city. Those warriors stormed Jerusalem's palace and attempted to murder the Holy Mother. Arabian Visionaries fought them off and the Holy Mother escaped.

The original 20 Knights Templar were introduced to No Ah by after the Damascus Crusade. In exchange for their fealty, No Ah promised each "life everlasting". Over the next nine and three-quarter centuries, each of the 20 were re-birthed twelve times.

No Ah used those 20 Knights Templar to launch a thousand wars, collapse financial markets, and decimate Christendom. Persian folktales known as One Thousand and One Arabian Knights are based on their exploits. So too are Grimms' Ferry Tales, and Mother Goose's nursery rhymes.

Under No Ah's influence, each of the 20 original Knights Templar offered their hand to daughters of Evermore. Each of the 20 abandoned the daughters whom had given their hand and pursued hedonistic pleasures, and each swore themselves to No Ah.

Seven of the original 20 Knights Templar have died of consumption within the last decade. Thirteen are alive (Reb, Jeb, Ike, Bike, Lun, Mun, Pun, Glib, Jib, Rim, Dim, Ian, and Quik) and each has sealed their body within a sarcophagus. Each of the 13 inhabits the bodies of males and females that idolize and worship them. Collectively, the original Knights Templar are the beast described within A Pact (aka Apocalypse, aka Revelation, aka Revelations).

#KnightsTemplar #TempleofSolomon #EndTimes #Armageddon #Apocalypse

David Lewis

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