One of my favourite acronyms, which came from a Robin Sharma book, is "KMF"
KMF stands for "Keep Moving Forward", and should be tattooed somewhere on every entrepreneur's body (or at least in their brains).
When you're an entrepreneur, it's not a question of "if" you'll get knocked down, but "when".
I'm not just talking about moving forward in the times when you fall flat on your face though.
You have to keep moving, even when things seem to be going well.
For example, i see a lot of coaches work hard to fill up their client roster, but then get so busy working with those clients that they stop focusing on getting new ones.
Then they complete their packages with their current clients and discover that they need more clients, pronto.
So they fire up the prospecting/marketing machine again, get some new clients, and the cycle repeats itself.
It's great to fill up your client spots, but you can't forget to always be in client-acquisition mode.
Here's a nugget from Ryan Holiday's "The Obstacle Is The Way":
Amelia Earhart had the words "Always think with your stick forward" painted on the side of her plane.
Holiday writes; "You can't ever let up your flying speed - if you do, you crash. Be deliberate, of course, but you always need to be moving forward".
My Secret Coach Club hard copy newsletter will show you what to do to keep a consistent flow of clients coming into your business, so you can avoid the usual cycles that coaches face.
The November issue heads to the printer this week, and the deadline to get it is Saturday at midnight (EST).
To grab it, hop in your plane and fly here: