K&L Spotlight 8: Meet our 2024 New Grads!

K&L Spotlight 8: Meet our 2024 New Grads!

This time, we’re catching up with a few of our 2024 new graduates: Rin Totsuka and Tomoko Komatsubara, Web Directors from the Digital Solutions Department; Yui Ito, Assistant Account Executive from Account Planning; and Rinko Ikeda, Assistant Planner from Creative Planning. Let’s dive into their thoughts and experiences so far.

You’ve been with K&L for almost six months now. Has anything surprised you since joining?

Rinko: At first, I was really surprised by how wide the scope of K&L's creative work is. Before joining, I assumed I'd mainly be involved in translation, but I've also been helping with planning and assisting on shoots, so it's been much broader than I expected.
Rin: For me, it was during the initial training when I was told, "We want you to be fully up to speed in six months." I thought, "You’ve got to be kidding, right?" But now, here I am six months in, and I’m actually leading some of my own projects. So yeah, turns out they weren’t joking! (laughs) Oh, and another thing—people at K&L are a lot more laid-back than I expected. It’s different from what I imagined or expected of the advertising industry.
Rinko: That’s true. Even during the interviews, I got the impression that people here were easy to talk to.
Yui: I felt the same. In my interview, I could tell people were genuinely listening and trying to understand me. That’s when I knew this place was full of good people! (laughs)
Tomoko: I think all the new graduates are pretty easy-going too.
Yui: Definitely, though we’re all pretty different personality-wise. At school, we might not have even talked to each other, we’re so different! (laughs) But somehow, we’ve all become close.

The new graduates also took the lead on creating the newly revamped corporate video. Being the first time working on a project like this, how did it go?

Rinko: At first, we didn’t even know where to begin. We’d get together, but all we did was ask each other, "So… what do we do?" and then go home. (laughs)
Rin: This was the first time we got to handle everything, from brainstorming the concept to producing the creative content. It gave us a real sense of how challenging K&L's work is. What I found hardest was giving clear directions to the production team. Sometimes, things didn’t come out as how I’d envisioned them, and I’d struggled with how to communicate it effectively.
Tomoko: That was the hardest part for me too. It was my first time giving second-by-second instructions, and I realized how tough it is to articulate exactly what you’re thinking. Figuring out how to translate my ideas into something the team could understand was a real learning experience.

The theme of the video was "Broaden Your World." What message did you want to convey with this theme? And when do you personally feel like your world is broadening?

Rinko: When we were coming up with the theme, we thought about the people who work at K&L and what makes them unique. That’s when I noticed how many people here turn their passions into their work—it’s like the line between their personal and professional lives is blurred. We wanted the theme to reflect that, to inspire future K&L employees to do the same, and that’s how we landed on "Broaden Your World."
Rinko: Since starting this job, there have been a lot of moments where I’ve felt my world expanding. Like when a wireframe I worked on gets turned into a real design, or when a website I helped create goes live—that’s when it really hits me that I’m part of something bigger.
Yui: For me, it was when I set up a press release and saw it get picked up by different media outlets. I thought, "Wow, I clicked that button and now this information is spreading all over the world!" That’s when I felt my world growing. (laughs)

What are some challenges you’d like to take on in the future?

Rinko: I'd say going on overseas shoots. Like some of the senior members on my team, I want to travel and go on shoots all over the world.
Rin: For me, my dream is to create a flashy, super glamorous website. (laughs) I want to keep honing my skills so I can handle projects like that!
Tomoko: I want to get involved in projects from the planning stage as soon as possible, so I can help create websites that solve clients’ problems.
Yui: I often look for influencers to collaborate with, and I dream of assigning someone I personally find interesting one day. By the way, the influencer I’m dying to work with right now is this adorable dog I've been following on Instagram. (laughs)

今回は、2024年に入社したメンバーから、WEBディレクターの戸塚 凜さん、小松原知子さん、アシスタントアカウントエグゼクティブの伊藤優衣さん、アシスタントプランナーの池田倫子さんを迎えて座談会をお届けします。






■今回の動画のテーマは、「Broaden Your World」です。このテーマに込められたメッセージを教えてください。また、みなさんはどんな時に、「世界を広げている」と感じますか?

池田:今回の動画のテーマを考える際に、K&Lで働く人たちの特徴を考えてみました。そこで気付いたのが、「好きなことを広げている」ということでした。仕事とプライベートの境目が薄く、好きなことを仕事に繋げている人が多いんですよね。これからK&Lに入ってくる人たちも、そうであって欲しいというメッセージを込めて、世界を広げるという意味を持つ「Broaden Your World」をテーマにしました。




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