Kiwi spirit

Kiwi spirit

I have a friend from New Zealand. Knowing that I am interested in that country, he sent me a link to photos of the place after an earthquake and a flood. I told him I would be more afraid of driving on the right side of the road or of the radicalization of the global politics than the forces of nature. He wrote me back - something that went deeper: "True ... You already possess the Kiwi spirit". 

The Wellington-LIVE Fan page prepared a competition called 'Flooding Photoshops', consisting in Photoshopping photos of the disaster. Link here.

  • Maybe it shows a certain hypothetical difference between the darkness of shadow cabinets, monthly commemorations, black protests and martyrology of cursed soldiers and the life that is strongly related to forces of nature that cannot be changed. I think that they can be our point of reference; we should give up trying to build our identity on low projection levels, beliefs and historically programmed behavior mechanisms. 
  • Human life is short. We are ruining this planet. Another year of highest temperatures ever. Glaciers melting. Oceans turned into dumping grounds. Tons of junk flying around Earth. In a few moments, clenched fists of politicians encouraging further actions of world's most powerful countries will make the historical necessity happen. There are too many of us, humans.
  • I prefer to react to it with a smile. A kind smile, an open acceptance. I have nothing to lose and if there is one thing I can take responsibility for, it is my attitude. To be kinder towards... myself. To let go, to give up. Whomever or whatever I fought or resisted, I would emanate tension, energy, the need to counteract, thus pushing myself into a morbid spiral of enmity. I do not want that.

The Pacific Ocean is enormous. New Zealand seems so dependent on it, so close, breathing winds and the smell of infinite space. This country attracts me, pulls me like a magnet. I will go there. I want to see it. As an experiment. You only live once.

I shall be out of the country from December to March. A family vacation, but with some time for work, meeting new people I already have appointments with. And then what? No one knows :-)


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