Kiwi Aroha a business born out of COVID Lockdown in NZ
John Owens
Intuitive, inspirational & transformational mentor bringing personal freedom to owners & CEOs through business success.
Kiwi Aroha (Love from Aotearoa, New Zealand) is a business born out of COVID-19 lockdown in New Zealand in 2020.
Up until March this year, my partner Pam and I were busy creating a suite of training courses designed to enable people to find their passions and create successful businesses from them.
The COVID lockdown brought this to a halt.
This abrupt stoppage actually gave us time to reflect and an opportunity to truly test the concepts and techniques that we had been building into our new courses.
Which we did and they work!
For example, I uncovered a passion for poetry and storytelling and Pam rediscovered her passion for creation through sewing.
I have written three children’s books and Pam has created a business sharing Kiwi Aroha with the world by creating a range of attractive face masks with a distinctly Kiwi theme.
COVID definitely changed the direction of our business and our lives this year. But what started out as scary, ended up taking us to completely new and exciting places.
If COVID had not forced us to let go of what we normally did, we would have continued applying ourselves to the same old routine. This had served us pretty well over the years and had given us a good life. However, this approach had not always been inspiring.
In 2020, both Pam and I decided to only spend our time doing what truly inspired us. Doing only things that brought us joy.
This was scary at first. It felt too “Hippy”. Words like “selfish” and “irresponsible” kept pushing their way into my thoughts.
However, as I began to experience the joy of doing what I truly loved, this fear was replaced with a sense of joy and fulfilment. I now know for sure that finding and following my passions is the most exciting and rewarding thing that I have ever done.
I truly recommend it!
What impact has COVID-19 had on your life and business?
Have you been able to “pivot” (to use the jargon) and find something new and exciting or are you feeling stuck?
Are you feeling hopeless or hopeful?
Whatever the case, I would love to hear from you.
Please share with us.