Kiva US Founder Shares Experience In Community Lending
An interview with Jonny Price, one of the founders of Kiva US, a pioneer in the world of micro-finance.
Craig asks Jonny about his experience in the community lending industry and opinions on the future of decentralised finance. He then asks Jonny about his own journey and transition from charity lending to crowdfunding business loans, including his time at Kiva US where he learned about community lending for social impact.
Kiva is a charity that allows people to lend as little as £20.00 to some of the poorest people in the world. This is a highly effective way of reducing poverty - because the poor are unable to access loans at even the highest interest rates offered by banks or microcredit institutions.
Finally, based on Jonny's experience, he talks about some of the upcoming trends relating to decentralised finance (inc, Web3 and NFT's) and what #WeFunder is doing.
The JustLend Podcast is a platform to inform, educate, inspire and help people around the UK learn more about peer-to-peer lending and the world of finance. JustLend is the first borrower-led digital platform that facilitates lending within social communities.
Our objective is to build sustainable financial relationships between borrowers with clear goals, and familial lenders wanting to do good. We want to help consumers make good long term financial decisions over instant access, high-interest products. We also want to do our bit to prevent awkward “you still owe me” conversations and fallouts.
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