Kitui: a man, a hawk and the snake
That story of Kitui, a man, a hawk and the snake really got me thinking.
Of course I don't think it was witchcraft: just an unfortunate coincidence.
Look at it this way,
You're a man, a born-again man perhaps who's strict with his diet. You say your memory verse every morning accompanied by correct prayers and facing the right direction. You even stopped taking meat(red) because you know, cancer and you strictly only drink soya or water; the water has to have been boiled or treated. You don't take chances.
You're a teetotaler and live by the book.
Even on the road, you observe all the rules to the latter.You cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing and never litter nor defecate randomly like other godforsaken heathens we all know about. As a motorist, you have never even considered overlapping, speeding nor overtaking unnecessarily. You're in other words, an embodiment of perfection and a great example of how to live right.
So then one day, as wont, you're out there running your errands as truthfully and rightfully.
From nowhere, nature decides to rope you into its drama and now you're a victim of very unforeseen circumstances and famous.
There's nothing wrong you did to get you to such a place but now you're there.
What if that snake was poisonous?
This story has really affected me because one of my late sister's friend who lived as carefully died under such circumstances and I was so offended. He ate all kienyeji: nothing extra. Then death with all its disrespect, chose to have him knocked down by a bicycle. Is that the kind of death befitting of a person who's lived all their lives as carefully and as far away from that dreaded eventuality as possible? If you ask me, no.