The Kite Story
Mother kite was proud of her son. He had learnt how to fly and even perform great maneuvers in the air. But there was more to just flying. It was high time Junior kite learnt to hunt for food. After much persuasion, Mother kite decided to teach her son the ancient art of hunting that has been passed down from generations to generations.
After weeks of arduous tutorship, it was time for Junior kite to go on his first hunt. He bade his mother bye as he swooped down from mountainous heights to the green canopies that gave the forests its glory.
Almost at the same instant, he saw a creature crawling on a tree branch. He maneuvered through the air and in one swoop, had the creature in its claws. Excited, he sped off to their home on the mountains. He landed in front of his mum who already wore a disapproving look.
"Junior Kite", Mother Kite called out, "What happened while you caught this prey? Did you hear any shouts?" "No mother", Junior kite replied. "Did anyone try to throw stones at you?" She asked again. "No maa" he replied.
"Now take back this snail to the forests and go get a proper prey from the distant lands!" Mother kite thundered.
Junior kite was confused. Mother kite had never spoken to him in such an angry tone. This time, he was determined to catch a proper prey to please Mother kite.
He set out for a distant land where it was rumored that humans dwelt. He got scared as he saw these creatures that communicated in the strangest voices. The ones who he was told had manufactured catapults and dane guns to shoot his kind. Carefully, he observed tiny creatures that looked like Mother kite's definition of food. But this time, they were guarded by their mother. But then he saw this one that was separated from the group, so in a twinkle of an eye, he swooped down and was greeted with the loudest shouts he had heard all his life.
He was determined to get his prey, so he came back and caught the tiny chick in his claws amidst the shouts from both humans and chicken. He dodged stones that were thrown at him, soaring high up into the skies.
When he got back home, he was welcomed by a smiling mother who congratulated him on his catch, and of course, they enjoyed their meal.
Onyendi Chibueze I.
Dare to take the harder way to get the best results. A lot of people with good intentions will try to dissuade you but pay no heed to them. The easy way is not always the best. This applies to all facets of life, business and career inclusive.
Keep winning!