The KITE Shuttle | Edition 1
Welcome to the first edition of the KITE Shuttle! This is our bi-monthly newsletter, where we bring industry insights, innovation and thought leadership together. Future editions will be published in the months of April, June, August, October and December.?
Our brand new KITE Yearbook 2024 will be launching soon, so keep an eye out at upcoming events and shows, or request your own copy at [email protected]!
Keeping your Network Moving
We exist to make the world of infrastructure a safer place, by keeping your network moving. A network moving means that road, rail & infrastructure users are better enabled to meet their timetables, and that disruptions are minimised. For us, a safer network means we create solutions that keep your workplace safe, by developing access and connection solutions that enable you to effectively work every day.
Protecting your Network
Safety. A value so important, but one that many take for granted. One slip, one fall is all it takes for injuries or much worse to happen. It is crucial for our communities and organisations to work together to create a safe environment and protect everyone in our network. This leads us to an essential question, are your access points safe? Read more here!
Collaborative Engineering
More than one hundred engineers collaborated together, working around the clock for nine days to complete work at the UK's only sliding canal bridge in Scunthorpe. The theme of collaborative engineering was largely displayed throughout this project, as teams aligned and came together across the supply community, committed to deliver the project goals. Read more here!
Values Moment: 'Certainty'
Here is a throwback to a project we completed in Brooklands. Brooklands offers a site where on one side, there is a Victorian viaduct, on the other precious woodland. Safe access was needed to a difficult to reach site up an embankment by the railway. The KITE Step we supplied offered a safe & sustainable solution, while bringing certainty to the client, as it met Network Rail CIV SD 370 standards. This installation goes beyond compliance, and offers a solution that exceeds regulatory requirements.
Network Resilience
Whilst the term 'network resilience' is often referred to in the world of computing infrastructure, we believe it applies to the aspects of business continuity and project delivery. Considering resilience is vital in meeting long-term project objectives. We design our services and products with resilience in mind, by considering aspects such as site environment, ground conditions and potential landscape changes locally that may impact on product performance. KITE Projects ensures our assets have a substantial design life, giving resilience to the infrastructure for years to come.
?Sustainable Environment
On the 11th of January this year, the government released an article outlining plans for an expansion of nuclear power in the UK. The proposed developments to nuclear power by the government all contribute to a Sustainable Environment. Nuclear energy plays a significant role in promoting sustainability as it has low carbon emissions, low carbon footprint and produces minimal waste. Read more here!
An insight into KITE Refuge
What are your thoughts on smart motorways? KITE Refuge was designed originally to provide a safe place for people stranded on smart motorways. Drivers and passengers are encouraged to leave their vehicles, so this product offers a flexible system that can be installed roadside.
?It also can be applied as a safe place for people to stand when on an embankment, or used as a briefing shelter for night teams who gather under a shelter to be briefed regarding their night’s work before deployment. It creates a central point of reference for teams working together to maintain our vital infrastructure.
?"I have enjoyed working with you (KITE) over the years and have found your technical support and knowledge second to none." Senior Contracts Manager