K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Silly!)

K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Silly!)


As always, it's a constant struggle between doing what I want or doing what is most simple. It's a lesson that keeps coming up for me and I thought it was worth a little share / conversation here about it. 

I, like many of you I'm sure, love to do ALL THE THINGS. In my head at least. Then, when reality kicks in and overwhelm threatens to take over I wonder why I had to make it so complicated for myself. 

Today I was working on some promotional bits and I jotted down to do a video and then thought about what I needed to get done and what I already had available.

I have already done a FB live that would work, not perfect but would do the job, so I scribbled that out and changed it to 'upload Facebook live video to Youtube' so that I could then use that on my web page. 

Then I reminded myself that I can actually just embed the Facebook video into the sales page. Again, not perfect but will do the job just fine. 

Ultimately the sales video, though important, is additional time that I also need to deliver on other things so is not essential to be as slick as I want it in my head. 

What are you procrastinating over and so simply not doing right now? 

What are you making harder for yourself than it needs to be? 

What could you simplify right now to take some pressure off? 

We are experts at making ourselves very 'busy' and society at the moment seems to glamorise busy-ness when in fact we're far better off focusing on being productive and effective otherwise we're going to burn ourselves out!

Give yourself a break today. 

Cut back on some of the stuff you've piled on your plate. 

Look at your list and write a new one: 

What are the most important and urgent things to be done - I'm talking about the things that REALLY need your attention. The things that will make the difference for you. 

Focus on those. ONE first. Then the next. One at a time. 

You can do it, just make it a little easier today, because you can.

Big love



