Kirkus Star for "Lullaby For The King", Illustrated by Michelle Carlos!
Astound is thrilled to share the Starred Kirkus Review for ‘Lullaby For The King’, illustrated by Astound illustrator, Michelle Carlos!
We are absolutely delighted by the recently published Kirkus Review of Nikki Grimes’ Lullaby For The King, illustrated by Astound illustrator, Michelle Carlos!?The review praised Michelle’s illustrations as “vibrant, ornate art, which depicts the fancifully colored animals striking dynamic poses and carrying sumptuous gifts.” They even gave the book the honor of The Kirkus Star, one of the most coveted designations only given to 10% of Kirkus-reviewed books that are of exceptional merit! How amazing!?
The book is described as lush, vibrant, and whimsical - “Masterful prose and exquisite images combine for an unforgettable Nativity retelling… Grimes and Carlos’ take on the birth of Jesus celebrates the majesty and diversity of the natural world.” You can read the full review here!
This gorgeous book was written by the brilliant Nikki Grimes and published by Beaming Books. ‘Lullaby For The King’ is available for purchase as of October 2023 - click here to pre-order a copy for yourself! I know that we at Astound cannot wait to have this delight of a book in hand!