The Kirk Apartment Fire of April 24th
Holtz Realty

The Kirk Apartment Fire of April 24th

It was a bit windy outdoors this morning, but as the sun was moving across the sky, it seemed to've completely dissipated by the time sundown arrived, so hopefully we're on track for some absolutely delightful mid-November days ahead, and without a doubt, I'll be a-loving it.

The first duty of my Sunday morning, was to head back to my darkened corner and get my contemplative prayer session started which was again a more metaphysical enriching experience. Having remained constant with my sessions, I've discovered my attention has grown more fully-focused, which allows me to go even deeper into prayer. It's been months now since that evil entity has tried to side-track me, so whatever the Higher Power has done to keep it away, I'm eternally grateful.

Since I hadn't talked to a close acquaintance of mine in a number of weeks, I placed a call, just to bring him up to speed on the recent happenings on my side of the fence, and of course I was compelled to tell him I'll likely send a text message tomorrow to a 'person' who so rudely tried to get my feathers ruffled a month ago, and the only reason I'll be initiating that text, is to get the name and number of the supposed person who'd said some very unkind things about me. I'm already convinced it was all a fabrication, just to get me stirred up, and if I don't get a reply, that'll be my confirmation that those words were big fat lies.

With him having already known about the various evils I've had to endure for well over seven years from a group of 'relatives' who were hell-bent on doing everything they could to pull me down to their levels, he advised me not to even 'go there' with my intent on sending a text tomorrow, and only because that person is only looking for attention in a very bad way, and should I go ahead with it, I will have only lowered myself to that person's level. After hearing his opinion on it, my only response was, "I'll sleep on it tonight." As I've mention before, 'dirty birdies' should not go un-chastised for intentionally doing and saying bad things to others, because if we don't, it gives them a license to continue doing it not just to ourselves, but to others as well. Make sense?

That 'dressing-down' text-a-thon I had a month ago, contained words which were long-over due being said, and only because that entity was always able to go on the attack whenever the victims, were in their weakest states, which was not only mean-spirited, but mentally sick. Whenever such people insist they've been 'fixed' thru psychotherapy, I have to keep my lips zipped to keep from saying, "I think you need to go back to your therapist and ask for your money back because you ain't fixed!"

Tonight's photo is one I took yesterday in the rear yard of a home I was showing, which happened to be a real-live buck deer that must've become semi-tamed from people feeding it on a regular basis, and only because when it saw us coming out the back door, it started walking towards us which had me a little creeped-out. Regardless what anyone says, buck deer can be very dangerous, and especially during the season of their rut which is going on right now. Can you imagine being gored by one or two of their antler points? No thank you very much! Luckily it did finally move on when realizing we didn't have anything to feed it.

I received a message early this morning from my buyers, and asking if I'd have time to show them another home which just came on the market, so I sent a text to the listing agent and managed to get a mid-morning showing scheduled right after another agent's earlier showing.

Being a little early and seeing the agent before me had already left, I did my own personal tour before the buyers arrived, just so I could get myself familiarized with the home. When they did arrived, I proceeded to tell them that I've sold many-a-homes over the years with that exact floor plan. For our area, that must've been a popular mid-century modern design. The showing went well, but I'm not sure it'll be a good 'fit', so it'll be an onward and upward with our continued searching.

It was approaching the Noon hour, so I grabbed a small bite to eat while reading some of our online news. The article which later had me going down an information rabbit hole, was reading again where these feral hogs we've got coming down from Canada, are going to become a huge problem for conservationist and farmers. My gosh! The full-grown ones are far more aggressive that anyone can imagine, and don't think they can't run fast, and if you don't believe me, watch a few YouTube videos about them.

Since we raised hogs on our farm, I'm fully familiar with their advanced intelligence to where they can remember and analyze situations far more than you'd ever expect, and especially if you've not been around them on a daily basis. I always used to say, "If there's a hole in fence surrounding forty acres, you can bet they'll find it." I don't know when our general public will ever learn that they're just playing with fire when so innocently importing species which in turn, become very invasive. From what I've read, those Canadian wild hogs were imported to add more of a variety of 'game' for hunters. Now look at what kind of growing problems we have. Oh, and by the way, the northern wild hogs have learned how to adapt to our bitterly cold winters as well.

When seeing our City has finally fixed the lighting on North Federal which I'm now glad to see, I suddenly realized that the Kirk Apartment fire of April 24th, took place almost months ago, and now all that remains, is the Suzie Q Cafe which is still standing there empty. Gosh, I wish they'd re-locate it over to Central Park where it belongs.

Tonight's One-liner is: Memory is the mother of all wisdom.

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