Kinglumi releases AiSCENE? Retail, a smart lighting & digital managment system for store of the future
On May 13, 2022, Kinglumi launched its AiSCENE? Retail system, which stands for the design ofsmart lighting, store for future based on Artificial Intelligent(AI) and Internet of Things in retail shops. The AiSCENE? Retail products portfolio first went on sale is spotlights, pendant and ceiling lights. Equipped with sensors and powered by its brain—AI deep learning microcontroller, they'll revolutionize retail lighting industrial.
There are always new challenges facing businesses as the retail industry rapidly changes due to technological evolution. According to study, "Personalized shopping experience" and "Ability to preview products in-person before purchase commitment" is the top reasons why shoppers still prefer brick-and-mortar. AiSCENE? Retail platform gives you the tools you need to overcome these challenges and get started with insight business opportunities.
Refining the shopping experience
AiSCENE? Retail luminaires equipped with multichannel light colors and generates eyes perceived richest colors by full spectrum and great saturation, which enhance the colors and makes the merchandises looks more attractive, reds looks red; blues looks blue, delivers whiter whites, etc.
Also, the AiSCENE? Retail luminaires, equipped a sensor powered by AI brain, can automatically & autonomously identifies the merchandise color and offer the best light CCT with enhancement. The Aiscene? Retail color solution based on the findings of the inner professional lighting laboratory analysis and field study, subtly and dynamically supporting the selective perception of human beings. What's more, the sensor can detect customer shopping behavior and dim the light level to provides comfortable lighting conditions customer-centered. The AiSCENE? generates dynamic retail scenes and shop zones, which boosts the customers' dwell time, store sales and energy saving.
Discovering potential business opportunities
Existing retailers should determine what segments of consumers they serve, understand the segment's desires, and learn about products that might appeal to them. Those segments that spend significantly more money than others are referred to as 'core' or 'target' customers. With AiSCENE? Retail platform, the smart sensors can help retailers get the monitor footfall, dwell time and hotspots in real time via track their customer’s journey, and learn about consumers and product trends during the whole shopping process detection. By learning about core consumer segments, the retailer could better focus attention on details that appeal to these consumers and design an appropriate product mix and promotional campaign.
Smart control within single platform & App
Specific design for retail business, AiSCENE? Retail has a single App and application software to fully control and configure the luminaires and some other devices, and also retailers can exports the collected customers shopping data for digital marketing and for other future businesses improvement, such as a real time dashboard for store management.
These innovations will remain, making our shopping experiences safer, easier, faster, and generally more positive. As they develop through subsequent rounds of innovation, AiSCENE? will continue to help refine how people shop—and always for the better.
AiSCENE? brings the solution to digital disruption in fashion shop, food store, art-gallery, car deal, and more. Want to make your business better? Get in touch today to set up a preliminary discussion with our experts to improve your business for future.