King is the one who rules the world
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
The Good King is honorable, virtuous, wise and understanding. He creates about his subjects no matter how seemingly unimportant they are and puts their well-being above his son. He governs the land fairly, is a Royal who actually does something and is often very modest about his rank and position. He also tends to be soft spoken, but when a Good king raises his voice, you'd better to listen. Remember, good does not always equal soft. If the work take place during a war expect this king to be on the front lines and always putting the men first. When it comes to the actual battle the king tends to lead the charge and is normally skilled and efficient in combat.
Above all else, a Good king cares about his kingdom and his people and will sacrifice himself to protect them, even if that means putting honor before reason. King is a quite an interesting word. A typical English dictionary describes a king as a man who holds a chief authority of a country and its people. There have been some fascinating definitions of a king in our scriptures. According to Arthashastra by Kautilya, The best king is the Raja-rishi, the sage king.
The Raja-rishi has self-control and does not fall for the temptations of the senses, he learns continuously and cultivates his thoughts, he avoids false and flattering advisors and instead associates with the true and accomplished elders, he is genuinely promoting the security and welfare of his people, he enriches and empowers his people, he practices ahimsa (non-violence against all living beings), he lives a simple life and avoids harmful people or activities, he keeps away from another's wife nor craves for other people's property.The greatest enemies of a king are not others, but are these six: lust, anger, greed, conceit, arrogance and foolhardiness. A just king gains the loyalty of his people not because he is king, but because he is just.
According to Manu Samhita, a perfect society is the one where everyone perform their duties determined by their varna in society and ashrama or stage of life. This was Varna-ashrama-dharma and a king was expected to ensure all his subjects respected this way of life. The bible states that the spiritual meaning of a king is truth. this can be seen in many passages. In Isaiah: The sons of strangers shall build up thy walls, and their kings shall minister unto thee; thou shalt suck the milk of the nations, and the breast of kings shalt thou suck (Isaiah 60:10, 16); what it is to and, is by no means plain from the letter, but it is from the internal sense, in which it signifies to be gifted with goods, and instructed in truths.
In general term, a king is a sovereign being, who have been given the power and authority to rule a state or a country. In olden times, centuries ago, we find kings ruling a country. Some examples are United Kingdom, Monaco, Russia, France, Japan and China (call emperor instead of king), India (call Rajah instead of king), Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia (call sultan instead of king). These are some examples. In present time we still have monarchy ruling, the kings are still around but then their power and authority have diminished. They are not actually in control and ruling. Many now have democratic government in place of the kings (only in name)
In biblical term, Israel too have kings in olden times. The most popular is King David and King Solomon and others. There is one king, in Israel, chosen by Jehovah God, King Jesus. God give him a title, King of kings and Lord of lords. It means Jesus Is the winner or champion, the rest are little kings. A King is a man, yet must be more than a man. The King is answerable to God alone in His duty, which is why He is Crowned in an Abbey and takes a Holy, Solemn Oath. When anointed, He becomes partly Divine. Use of The “Royal We" denotes this - The Sovereign is human, yet Divine - Mortal, yet Immortal through The Crown.
Upon Coronation until death, the Monarch is two people: the private, personal, mortal; coexisting with The Royal Personage, the living embodiment of The Crown, The Sovereign and Head of both Church and State. As Sovereign, he is still a man, but must be the example of what the ideal man should be. Monarchy is God's sacred mission to grace and dignify the Earth. It must give people hope and inspiration. The King must be the living embodiment of all of this. In the best days of the feudal system, the king was understood to be a contract between the sovereign and the subjects. This meant that they protected the fiefdom and the people were more than capable of deposing a ruler that did not fulfill it’s duties, and in the best of days, this system worked wonderfully.
The roles of a King was to protect the kingdom, increase the wealth and trade of the kingdom, as well as to take care of the poor redistributing the tribute paid as necessary. This was the ideal of the monarchic structure, and in the best of days, it worked. The two headed-eagle represents state and church. Indeed there was a time when the Church Sovereign dealt with Spiritual matters and negotiations between disputed territories amongst kings, and the King dealt with financial and legal state business. In the best of days, this worked too.
In the worst of days, both state and church have been absolutely vacant of morality. A good monarchy offered more freedom than any place on the earth today. A bad monarchy was as despotic and corrupt as anyone can possibly imagine. But there is something to be appreciated about the natural cause for the need of some sort of protectorate and it’s various successes. History has seen many kings. Many of them were selfish, some were entirely evil and brutal, fewer were selfless and possessed many qualities:
1- Integrity: They have integrity. All the good kings never compromised on their honour and their country's honour.
2- Openhearted: The best kings were openhearted. They never kept the wealth to themselves or their ministers. They always let the money be given to nation and country.
3- Trustworthy : Kings never lie. They can be trusted with the secrets of the state. Puppet kings lacked this quality.
4- Proud of their country: Great kings are extremely proud of their country. Especially, when they meet other kings of other states, they show them to which country they rule. They meet other kings with pride.
5- Brave : All of the great kings were extremely brave. They never feared large armies. However, they fought with complete morale.
6- Forgiving: Great kings had nice hearts and forgave people for their bad deeds. They had a mindset of forgiveness and believed in letting a person have a second chance. They were not naive and punished those who deserved punishment.
7- Leadership: They had great leadership skills and knew how to lead others. All of the communication skills were learned by them.
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2 年You said it sir .