King Charles Listened. AI Listened. You?

King Charles Listened. AI Listened. You?

I am an old man who has travelled the world. In 1984 I went to Sierra Leone in West Africa as a volunteer in Canadian Crossroads International or CCI. I worked as a curriculum specialist for Bunumbu Teachers' College. It was a UNDP/UNESCO sponsored project that also had a connection with some German Polytechnic. We designed a curriculum to train new teachers not only teaching and learning styles, but how to construct the school itself. How to make all needed didactic materials such as chalk and chalk boards. chairs, desks, literally everything. The one thing I was most proud of was the community garden for each school. By involving the parents and all family members of the students to participate in making sure that each student had a good, well balanced meal every day. A child can't focus on studies with an empty stomach, or knowing a family member has one.?

The garden was designed to be cyclic. At the top of a small incline there would be a piggery. Maybe only 2 or 3 pigs. This would sluice the run off of water from cleaning the pig sty into a watering system for the terraces of the garden. Each plant putting into the soil the nutrients needed for the plant below. The last lowest tier drained into a small tilapia fish farm pool. Feeding the fish. Then a small solar pump to raise water up to the piggery again. This is sustainability. Self generating. Alive.

Now I am designing a system of holistic sustainability that offers direct contact between people. You see from 25 years living as a foreigner, a visible minority in another culture and language. Living and working side by side with a vast diversity of people. I came to one simple conclusion. We are the same. People are people are people are people.

I have been accepted with open arms by so many different places and people it is amazing. I have friends from all over the world. Friends who I may not see for over 20 years and when we talk, its like it was all yesterday. Real friends for life friends. And to me, as many who read my writing know, life is all about friends. Friends helping friends. So my system is just that, friends helping friends.

Every village, town, community interested can join our New Way Forward Network and set up their own respective PODS (People Oriented Development Service). Each PODS will get connected by internet to every other PODS. We are looking at cloud storage now. Each PODS will have direct access free to all open sourced studies, results, technology everything we can find together for holistic sustainable development. I have been working in holistic sustainability since 1980 so I have quite a collection of tech and I keep up with new tech including particle physics and EV design and manufacturing. There is a massive amount of information already available. All open source and free to share. The time has come for those most talented at making things work, even if out of necessity. In fact, my own parents both grew up on typical old school Nova Scotian family farms during the great depression. "Making do", was a way of survival. And pride and honor. And fun because there was music, sharing, friends and family. Laughing, playing and working together. Hard times bring us together. Crisis bring us together. We are sort of in a crisis now. Polarization, teens and young people in some places simply asking why? Who am I? What am I? What do I believe? This might be a good thing though. I mean it took me a crazy life and 61 years to ask this to point of existence. The inevitable answer is, and has always been, I think therefore I am. So I exist. Before we even look at the next question we really should look at what this means. I am. I chose to exist. I have free will. This will help answer the next questions. Oh boy, does it help.

Free Will. What am I ?????????I have free will, so whatever I want to be.?Cool. I get to choose.

Who am I???whoever I choose to be. Again, very cool.

What do I truly believe??More difficult, but still pretty easy. What makes me feel light, airy, warm, loved, wanted, needed, good about myself, happy??Survey says:?LOVE.

So I believe in love. ALL LOVE. Love of a mate and partner, love of family and friends, love of life, love of my fellow humans. Afterall according to DNA science we are all 99.9% identical in our material construction. And as many who have been reading my work will know I believe the one tenth of one percent that contains all of the differences that make each of unique are treasures and rare valuable spice of life gems that should be respected revered and shared.?This network, New Way Forward can do just that. By sharing like Otyken. Otyken is a musical group from the Chunlun ethnic group in Siberia. They have a YouTube channel sharing their music, their prayers, their lifestyle, their fashion, their lives. They have opened the door to their homes and hearts to show people how to pray. How to survive being happy and in harmony with your surroundings. They want to share the joy and love they have. To help themselves and help others at the same time. Mutual benefit, mutual respect. Friends.!!!!!

Making friends and sharing. This how every civilization since the beginning of time has begun. Not revolution or power struggle, or polarity to maintain a constant state of emotional confusion that creates tension, pressure and fear. The very things keeping us from making friends. Well, many cultures have maintained close ties to their more family oriented past. And friends, well what would a barn raising be without a lot of friends and neighbors. And I was raised with music bringing people together and loosening that barriers stopping friendship. You needed each other to survive. This is true in every part of the world I have ever been. Universal Truth. Everything depends on everything else. These interactions literally define our universe's very existence. And therefore the exact same universal rule must be the same at each and every scale within the universe. Definition of universal rule.

Benefits to villages:

- Instant access to data

- tech support free

- Make friends

- Friends care

- Direct market for all local hand crafts and products

- volunteer potential for inter PODS education and cultural awareness

Benefits to investors:

- All the same free access to all services

- Additional Service of multi faceted deep dive into any area of special interest

- Free R&D with applications all for free and thousands or researchers and developers

- Opportunity to bond directly in multiple markets simultaneously building unpresented Brand Loyalty

- Access to new product lines as they are being developed with direct negotiating access without teams of lawyers and expensive retainers

- Direct access to friends who are designing for their specific Nitch market allowing you a more bespoke offering to all brand lotyal customers

- Basically a large current percentage of expenses can be incorporated into a large scale networking of already brand loyal clients as well as providing communication and shipping of goods and people from various PODS.?

- Potential for in conjunction with PODS a new concept in eco-cultural tourism where tourists can live and work and share in a culture of choice.

The simplicity of this network and basic concept of friends helping friends also falls into the philosophy of giving is better ( much more long term profitable) and I firmly believe in equity, a natural balancing always with one part more positive energy. Like the Dali Llame said, "Everything in moderation, except love. Give love your all." So there will be no set fees of any kind.

This means I believe those who can help with financing will because the return on investment is directly related to the positive energy put out. Gravitational attraction of like energies, and for every action their is an opposite and equal reaction. And the value of the total is exponentially greater than the sum of its parts. Life, growth and profit margin. These follow the same laws of physics. You can't fool mother nature or the universe. Truth is truth. laws are laws.

There are expenses though and I have found a very talented MBA who is currently working as a COO fat a high level. Anyone interested in becoming a part of what can simplify and ease life a bit. Or take full advantage of all of the wealth of benefits.?

Please contact us at:

New Way Forward on Facebook

@newwayforward333?on YouTube

[email protected].

whatsapp +1-902-303-3651

Thank you for reading all the way through. All my love and blessings on you all. Spread the love.

Ernie and Red Eagle


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