kindness... for SELF ??
You know that moment when your favorite cup somehow slips through your fingers, and – BANG!
It is on the floor, broken, in a dozen of pieces.
It is always so sudden, a shock – and yet, we move on from it, don’t we?
You might tell yourself off, get upset, but then, you keep going.
But sometimes our very own thought might trigger a much more violent reaction inside of ourselves.
Here’s what I mean:
I am working away on my play – it’s the process I love, it’s the time that I treasure, but this moment, this week, it has somehow gone wrong:
There was something the character said that just didn’t sit right with me, and instead of me trying to fix it, or figure it out, I have let the door open to doubt:
The whole interaction, it just doesn’t work, does it?
Should I cut out the scene? Maybe, more?
I’ve been trying too hard, chopping, changing, and the wheels have off…
As I flick through the script, the whole thing is phony, and all work, all the effort, it’s all down the drain…
And just who the hell are you, fancying yourself a playwright?!
There’s a helplessness, dragging me down, like a weight, and I’m sinking…
I turn in my chair, and look to the outside green. I am taking a deep breathe, breathe in and breathe out.
It is only a thought.
Like the cup that goes splat, just one random event that doesn’t mean anything.
It’s only one thought, one burst of emotion, it doesn’t mean – true!
You – you’re working so hard!
You’re doing your best.
And it may not be pretty, and you may not be perfect, but you are ENOUGH.
You try, you keep going, you never give up!
You’ll figure it out, and you know it.
As soon as you bring in the voice of compassion, that little bit kindness, it
You start feeling calmer.
Less edgy.
You don’t want to speak to yourself as a thief, an intruder, but speak to yourself as a friend.
A friend who is deserving of kindness.
A friend you know well.
A friend you could hurt, if you wanted – you know the right buttons to push.
You know what to say – because let’s face it, nobody knows you the way that you know yourself.
It takes practice because as survivors, we get so good at speaking down on ourselves.
Berating yourself.
Let’s make it a practice, and turn toward kindness.
Because you deserve it, my friend!
Join me today to bring out more kindness for self: