Kindness makes you beautiful person
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Attractiveness is obviously subjective. To me, while kindness is definitely attractive and makes me trust a person so much faster, it isn’t the most attractive quality. I’m not quite sure what the most attractive quality is for me, but I would say it is a tie between wit and loyalty, with some affection and a dash of intelligence thrown in. I’m sure several people peg kindness as their top attractive quality, though. It’s definitely a good quality to have. Sometimes so called kind people can be cheating and deceiving people, so then would you still stick to only kindness of him? I doubt. On the looks of a beautiful person can be mean minded and show off that he or she is being kindhearted.
If we are speaking of this guy as your potential partner, the prior qualities you must give importance to must be loyalty and integrity. Surely then comes his kindness, trustworthiness and such things. But to built a long-term relationships ( or let’s say any kind of decent relationships) you need him to be loyal. That answer varies from person to person and certainly with in different cultures and relationships—and it’s a very good trait. It needs to be backed up with other important traits like self respect, clean boundaries, and the ability to communicate effectively under duress. Oh and one of the better qualities in any potential mate is being a generous lover. People who are selfish in bed are likely selfish in a lot of other ways that will have an impact on you.
Let me get this right. I have my own opinion about the nice guys. Nice guys are men who always say yes to the girl they find attractive. They are what you call, the “yes men”. They can’t say no to something they don’t want to do. They always say yes, to every girls they find attractive. These women will not see them as a challenge, because these men are kind of boring. They are bored because these men never say no to demand of these women. (Do you know when you say no to an attractive girl, she will wonder why you’re different with another man? She will see you as something.) In some severe cases, nice guys can’t lead to even the smallest things like deciding where/when to go on a date. For nice guys: It always depends upon the women to decide because they give the lead to the women while a man should be leading.
It's considered the base standard. To not be nice is considered by most to mean you are badly behaved. This is why women shouldn't typically reject a guy by saying "you're nice, but…". This creates the perception in many men that being nice was a plus for them. Why mention it as if he was good candidate apart from one thing? When guys hear "where are all the nice men" or something like that, they are not understanding what women are meaning. They start to think that if women reject them and don't call them nice, it's a judgement on the man's character when in reality it's usually not (and of course, you can't say that a women's choice here is automatically a judgement of your character, because then you're saying that women have to accept the first man who is a decent person rather than picking someone they actually want). Men and women tend to communicate differently. So this what allows "nice guy syndrome" to exist. But even so, only a fraction of guys actually come to think that all they have to be is nice and eventually some girl should choose him. The vast majority of men innately understand that they have to competitive, essentially. They have to work.
Being nice is only one on a long list a traits that a woman is going to be looking for. And it's sometimes not even at the top. Being nice is not interesting. It's just expected. Unless they specifically like "bad boys", but even then, a "bad boy" usually means "he acts rough but is nice to me- he's a rogue who needs me to tame and civilize him because he has a good heart and only I can 'fix him'". So for most women, there really shouldn't be any point in discussing if a man is nice or not. Either she is looking for a mean guy because she values assertiveness and confidence over niceness (less common, especially among adult women) or it's to be assumed and thus not worth talking about much.
This is what kept me from being irrational about girls not liking me as a kid. I was not a catch and knew it. But I was nice. Exceptionally nice, actually. To the point where they made a big deal about it. But I understood that this was basically meaningless in terms of the dating scene. They valued my kindness as a person, but as a potential romantic interest it was not nearly enough to make me attractive. I wasn't being nice because I thought it would make me popular with the ladies, and if you are nice just for that reason, they will see through it. As will everyone.
That's the key take-away for the infamous kind of guy that women complain about. The problem isn't genuinely nice guys who are just unattractive. We might get frustrated, even a bit bitter at worst. But if we reality are nice, we would never suggest that we are owed anything (besides common courtesy). The problem are the guys who are not actually nice but conditionally pretend to be, and get furious when their terrible act accomplishes nothing. They have to realize that being a nice person is not something you do for a specific reward. It's something you do because those are your principles. Only then can you really be an actually nice person. Some women will notice and value that, but it won't make you attractive. It's just one of the base requirements.
Guess what? It’s a sign of an insecurity as a man and a huge turn off for women. She will not respect you. I guarantee. Why? Because these men are afraid of something. They are afraid the women will leave them and dump them and so many reason behind it. Being a nice guy (in term of appearance or attitude), is not bad when you have a courage to say no to their demands. It’s your rights. Just be the best version of yourself, so many people have shared their way to becoming more attractive just because they don't say No, Don’t be afraid to say NO. Cheers.
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2 年Great share Kishore Shintre ji