Kindness is key...
nicki bannerman
Marketing & social marketing, Digital content - producer presenter of radio & podcasts, voiceovers and audio tours, ghostwriter, copywriter, content creator, social media & broadcast journalist
The timing of our podcast guest on kindness (out on Tuesday) could not be more needed - how people can make others feel so alone, intimidated, trolled, social media frenzy or affected must be considered wholeheartedly with a massive social change for the better. People are suffering across the world as their families have been affected with viruses we don't understand and a culture of fear is rising to disconnect us even further and to not reach out to others and some communities are breaking down. We have become so disconnected and self-obsessed in our modern time with no values and self-limiting beliefs and selfies and videos fuelling the narcissism epidemic that we have stopped to appreciate the values of others and how true kindness, support, and nurturing values of how good it feels to do something for others. How being grateful for what you have and the abundance of it right infront of you or for your health and loved ones and food on the table and the small things in a day can lift your spirits and how reaching out to others can change their day, their mood, their mindset or even their life. With Megan Markle affected by the media and now Caroline Flack with pressures in public eye - what more do we need to see to understand that being kind surely is the answer. So many people are suffering with their mental health, so many marriages are breaking down and so many people are getting cancer and children are caught up in the traumas and pressures of modern life with all the repercussions. Surely by showing a little kindness to a stranger, a friend, a lover, work colleague, child or partner could go a long way. We never really know what someone is battling with inside - what they are not saying instead of what they are saying and maybe just by taking these small steps and showing kindness, consideration, valuing others and bringing back those community values the struggle with modern social conscience and poor attention spans may start to shift. We don't need to always be entertained, to binge and show off and live the false social media life and be what others want to be - we need to learn to have flow time doing something you love for your mental health, and being kind to each other to lift others spirits and maybe even the kindness initiative that our next guest is doing. How incredibly poignant that our next guest on The Influential Women Podcast is setting up a global kindness social movement all the way from Australia - she is making a difference with youths, companies and people everywhere she goes. Naomi Lambert has overcome her own turmoil, depression and sadness and replaced them with kindness. The extreme shock and sadness in the news this week and the disconnections of our society or the loneliness from social media and the impact of the media on others and how they are affected must start with small steps of kindness and make this social movement happen to make the world a better place. Reach out to others, change someone's day and spread kindness not unkindness to change your own life...