Kindness, Emotions & Humanity: 3 Keys to Happiness at Work (Backed by Science) (#WorkplaceCulture #EmployeeEngagement)

Kindness, Emotions & Humanity: 3 Keys to Happiness at Work (Backed by Science) (#WorkplaceCulture #EmployeeEngagement)

Happiness at work, while challenging to quantify, is undeniably real. We all bring a piece of ourselves, an emotional "backpack," to work every day. It wouldn't be fair (and perhaps unreasonable) to discuss workplace happiness without acknowledging the foundation of human happiness: our personal lives. Yes, a happy personal life can contribute to happiness at work, but the opposite isn't always true.

Reality is a bitch. I get it. But For some, work can become a safe haven, even a source of happiness. However, drawing a clear line between work and personal life can be difficult. What I do know, from leading thousands throughout my career, is that happiness at work is achievable. Managers can set the stage for an inclusive and positive environment.

We previously discussed tapping into our human strengths to manage a potential AI takeover. Now, AI and robotics are revolutionizing the workplace. Robots will likely become commonplace, and even develop emotional intelligence. For managers, understanding human emotions and building genuine connections will be essential for staying relevant.

Three Actionable Steps to a Happier Workplace

Here are three things you can do today to cultivate happiness within your team and workplace:

  1. Practice Kindness: Kindness recognizes that your colleagues might be carrying emotional burdens you're unaware of. Think of kindness as an emotional currency that strengthens relationships.
  2. Express Your Emotions: Somehow, emotions have become unwelcome in business. Showing genuine happiness, sadness, frustration, and even failure can make your team feel more comfortable expressing themselves authentically.
  3. Be More Human: Our humanity – connecting with each other – triggers a sense of belonging, which fosters happiness.

As automation reshapes the workforce, building our human side will pay dividends both inside and outside of work.

If this topic piques your interest and you want to learn more, I highly recommend checking out the 2021 Harvard Business Review report on the Neuroscience of Happiness at Work.

This article, while not a formal research study itself, summarizes key findings from various scientific studies on the science behind happiness at work. It highlights the impact of positive emotions on employee creativity, productivity, and overall well-being. Furthermore, it emphasizes the critical role managers play in fostering a positive work environment that promotes happiness and engagement.

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