Kindness costs nothing
Rahul Pratap Singh
Senior Program Coordinator | Tech Mahindra, Dubai | IIM Lucknow | Digital Transformation | CSM? | ITIL?
Ever since the Coronavirus panic was infused by the mainstream media all around the globe, we came across a lot of stories.
While we saw some places providing healthcare services and products like masks or hand sanitizers at a subsidized rate or for free, we saw a lot of places where the selling price of these items got hiked 10 times.
While we saw some kind-hearted people with a huge bank balance step forward to help the affected for free, we also saw some super-rich people trying to take undue advantage of this situation.
While we hoard basic items, we tend to forget that we are snatching the same from a family that might need those items more than you do. As they say, there's enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.
You can hoard 30 sanitizers, but if I don't get any, I might end up transferring the virus to you.
I have come across many philosophies, and it has always been said that kindness comes back, but you shouldn't be kind expecting anything in return. You should be doing it because that's the right thing to do.
Sooner or later, the human race shall find a cure. We shall remember the ones who were kind and the ones who took undue advantage.
While some people came forward and did more than the situation demanded, there are billionaires in India who already own hospitals but are turning a blind eye to the situation. Not saying that it is their duty to do so, but then if you have the power to help someone, it becomes your duty to do so in times like these.
The human race has exploited the planet for its gain for far too long. Nature shall always find a way to keep reminding us of the fact of our mortality.
We have been so consumed with hatred that we have forgotten what it truly feels to be human. We lack empathy, and all we care about is our personal growth without any thought given to the harm it could cause to the people around you.
Everyone has a family they love, just like you do.
Stop acting like a zombie apocalypse.
It's embarrassing to look at people in departmental stores snatching items from each other and hoarding more than what they need.
Try sharing some love (and maybe some sanitizers) for once in your life because that is something the world truly needs right now.
The world is filled with greed and hate. Don't give in to that. Be the kind soul the world needs. If you ever need validation in case you took the right decision by doing kind, feel free to pop up and I will reassure you.
Your friendly neighbourhood