Kindness Is Contagious: Spreading the Gift of Giving Back
Our awesome SIG team!

Kindness Is Contagious: Spreading the Gift of Giving Back

We all have stories about our childhood that our parents have told us again and again. One story, in particular, has stood out in my mind, especially in light of what happened today at work.

I was five years old.

I was sitting around the dinner table with my family, and my dad told me that I said, "There are poor people that don't have money, so I'm going to go get them some money."

With that, my dad took me out to walk around the neighborhood to make it happen. Going door-to-door, I collected $19.38, which we then donated to a local church.

The seed had been planted. From then on, I knew how important it was to care for others and do what I could to make a difference in the world. As a kid, I remember writing letters to the child my parents sponsored in India through Compassion International, buying Christmas gifts through Project Angel Tree for kids whose parents were imprisoned, and volunteering at St. Vincent's Center in high school to do art therapy with young girls who were victims of abuse.

Giving back has always been an important part of my life. It's built in to the fabric of who we are as humans. We have a need and drive to make a difference, be a contribution, and give back from what we've been given.

As an adult, I work for an organization that is incredibly generous and service-oriented. From annual drives for blankets, school supplies, toys, and food to harvesting crops for the homeless and supporting orphans in Nicaragua, I work for a company that cares.

One of the most important lessons I've learned over the past ten years as a wellness professional is how important it is to focus on what really matters to people, what makes them tick, and what drives authentic and sustained engagement.

According to best-selling author, entrepreneur and philanthropist, Tony Robbins, humans have six basic needs. Meeting these needs is key to our success and fulfillment:

  1. Certainty: The need for safety, security, comfort, order, consistency, control
  2. Variety: The need for uncertainty, diversity, challenge, change, surprise and adventure
  3. Significance: The need for meaning, validation, feeling needed, honored, wanted, and special
  4. Love & Connection: The need for connection, communication, intimacy and shared love with others
  5. Growth: The need for physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development
  6. Contribution: The need to give, care, protect beyond ourselves, to serve others and the good of all

I've started incorporating this message into presentations I give to companies and HR groups about how to meaningfully engage employees. THESE are what people need and want, especially the last three - connection, growth and contribution. If you, as their employer, can give them an experience that meets their needs, they'll be loyal, perform for you, and sing your praises to everyone they meet.

For that past decade (and prior to that, as an intern), I've had the opportunity and privilege to work for SIG, one of the nation's leading employee benefits consulting firms and a company that strives to meet all of these needs. Our year-end all hands meeting today was a shining example of exactly how we do this.

We reminisced about the previous year and all of the successes and joys we've experienced. In 2016, we rebranded, moved to a new physical space that better reflects who we are, won multiple awards, expanded our team, brought on new business, and enhanced our culture even more. We took time in the meeting to give our employees an opportunity to "shout out" to their peers to recognize their hard work and contributions. We recognized engagements, marriages, new moms and dads, and a variety of other personal highlights from the past year.

And just as we did last year, we focused on the importance of giving back. At this meeting one year ago, our CEO, Richard Silberstein, gave each of us the opportunity to Pay It Forward by giving each of us a $100 bill to give away to whomever we chose.

The stories rolled in in the weeks that followed. Janitors, WaWa cashiers, daycare providers, ministers, homeless Vietnam vets, and military servicemen were all recipients of Richard's generosity. Will Clower, the CEO of Mediterranean Wellness, was so touched by our story that he gave all of his employees what he called "The Happy Hundred" at their all-staff meeting that year after reading our story. My parents were so inspired by Richard's generosity that they gave me, my siblings, and our spouses $100 each on Christmas Day so we could each pay it forward.

Kindness is contagious.

The kindness continued at our meeting this year. Once again, Richard took out an envelope of bills and gave each of us another $100 to Pay It Forward and a second $100 to Pay It Forward a second time or use for ourselves. In addition, Richard is setting up an allotment of money to be used to Pay It Forward in a bigger way for those of us who want to submit a story to be eligible for a Pay It Forward grant.

It's a privilege to be part of an organization that is so committed to making a difference by giving individuals the power to give back in a way that is meaningful to them. It's an honor to be part of a company that genuinely cares.

With all of the focus on employee engagement these days, organizations are looking for the "secret" to engaging and retaining their people. I think we make it too complicated sometimes. If we really want people to be excited to come to work, then we have to commit to becoming companies that focus on what matters most.


Making a difference.

Leaving the world better than we found it.

Giving back.

Being kind.

Whether you're a business owner or an employee, I invite you to reflect on the six human needs and ask yourself this question:

"What opportunities do people have to connect, contribute, and grow at this organization?"

I wish you and your family a happy holiday season, and I encourage you to connect, reflect, and give back as we enter in to 2017!

Want to learn more about how you can authentically engage your employees in 2017? Send me a message, and I'd love to connect with you to learn more about what you're already doing and how we can help you take it to the next level. 


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