Kindfulness As a Career and Business Driver

Kindfulness As a Career and Business Driver

Kind + mindfulness = kindfulness

Kindfulness is the title of a new book by Ajahn Brahm; he's a British Theravada Buddhist monk. He writes that while mindfulness merely observes, kindfulness actively practices compassion. He offers a simple suggestion:

Be kindful to everyone and everything.

While Brahm goes on to outline the stages of a kindfulness practice, that is not my intention here. I'm simply planting the idea in your head that you can adapt the kindfulness concept and use it with great success in your career and business.

Here are some possibilities to get you started:

Be much more aware of opportunities to be kind. When confronted with obvious opportunities to be kind - an elderly person needs help with a heavy door - most of us take them. But we miss countless other opportunities, simply because we are preoccupied with our own affairs. 

Here's the thing... the kinder you are, the better you feel. If you were thirsty, you'd look for water. So if you want to feel better, look for opportunities to be kind.

Don't just pause; pause to focus on kindness. Personally, I sometimes have trouble just sitting still and giving my thinking a break. I understand the benefits of doing this and value them greatly. But there are times when it remains very difficult.

But when you have a specific purpose for being still, it can be easier. So you might consider pausing regularly to focus on kindness. You don't have to do anything. Just be quiet and focus all your senses on the concept or feeling or practice of kindness.

Here are five more ways to do this.

Do a kindfulness review of your career and/or business. Where are there opportunities to be more aware (i.e. mindful) of opportunities to be kind? Make a list. Make it a long one.

Depending on your role, you might focus on:

  • colleagues
  • subordinates
  • partners
  • vendors
  • customers
  • community members

The purpose of business is not to defeat others. To the contrary, it is to delight enough people that you can earn a good living and contribute to society. 

Kindfulness is a natural partner for anyone whose living depends on delighting customers, engaging employees, or being a valued member of the community.

Now it's your turn...

I have no interest in defining this word so that you can live with my definition.

But I am extremely interested in hearing and collecting your ideas about ways to be kindful in your career and business. In fact, if you contribute enough ideas, I promise to post them on a new site named My hope is that the site could become a source of inspiration - and actionable tips - for anyone who wants to be kindful in business.

I also promise to acknowledge the person who first suggests each tip.

Please share them below...

Bruce Kasanoff is a ghostwriter and coach for a wide range of interesting and accomplished professionals. 

Nicole Gallace

Leader in Inspiring & Connecting People to Careers in Food & Beverage Processing #WeAllEat ??

8 年

As a recruiter I was unable to help students and new grads find a job, although I sympathized my clients never engaged me to search for graduates. I knew there was a gap as clients asked me about ways to reach grads so a friend and I decided to fill it, FoodGrads was born. Still very early days but huge potential to help both grads and employers find each other for free! Does this demonstrate 'kindfulness'? :)

Share a genuine smile, ask 'how are you' and listen attentively. Or take a break from whatever you're doing and take a stressed colleague outside for a quite walk. Thanks for sharing.

Lisa Dantas

Business Analysis | Relationship Building | Site Communications Lead | Process development, documentation and improvement | Program Development | Facilitation | Employee Engagement

8 年

Bruce Kasanoff, thanks for sharing this. What resonated with me is your comment that when we are kind to others, it has a positive effect on us. I'd suggest that a way to be kind is to show empathy to those who are experiencing a difficult moment in their lives. Just listening to them and giving them a few moments of your time, helps them to deal with their situation in a better way. You cannot take their difficult situation away but the moral support you offer makes a difference in their day.



