The Kind of Worker Inviting for Micromanagement
One of major complaints during lunch time between colleagues is micromanagement treatment from their supervisors. I personally despise micromanagement! I do not know anyone who likes to work under close monitoring, to be told exactly to do task A then B followed by task C and so on. Your brain is not really engaged, feeling no challenge and therefore no excitement and not aware of reasoning behind the task given. And when you argue whether certain assignment is necessary, his authority comes as final answer and regardless you need to do it anyway and provide report before office hours.
However, on the other side and to be fair, I could not help but noticing a kind of worker inviting for micro management. This colleague is usually one with lack of initiative. When given a task to resolve certain issue, he would simply do what is being asked and wait for next instructions. This might seem fair enough, however this would not give sense of peace to the supervisor. The supervisor might not be someone with the most knowledgeable to resolve it, nor he has time to drive all of issues escalated to him. He has other workers to manage, doing administrative works, working on project’s budget etc. In this condition, he needs someone to drive the efforts to resolve the issue, if necessary taking initiative to involve others be it from internal team or external one. This is the kind of worker deserve trust from the employer. When supervisor delegate task to you, he would already consider it DONE!
Management does not have to be always one way - from top to bottom. A healthy company encourages bottom up management as well. A worker can take initiative to do improvement which may need management to take actions and make changes themselves.
Therefore, if you don’t like to be micro managed, then put yourself as someone reliable when entrusted to finish assignment. Take initiative and drive the team to resolve the issues, do everything necessary till it comes to resolution. This way, you would earn your boss’ trust and he would not micro manage you. If regardless you are still micro managed, then tough luck, you have a bad boss!