Be Kind and Week in Review
Erik Boemanns
Leading you from IT risk to reward. A lawyer/technologist bringing executive expertise to IT GRC, privacy, and security. Together, we can reach your next level of success.
It takes less effort to be accidentally rude than intentionally kind.
Two times stand out in my memory where I was yelled at by a random person for cutting them off in a line.?In both cases, they perceived I rudely jumped ahead of them. ?Also, in both cases, I hadn’t even perceived them at all.?
I had enough situational awareness to do what I needed to do safely. I didn’t have enough to realize they were nearby and were trying to do the same thing.?Our focus on a goal naturally blinds us to the broader environment – and it takes intentional, conscious effort to see more.
I see it all the time.?A person who doesn’t hold the door open for the person right behind them.?Not because they’re rude, but because they’re not even aware how close the next person is.?
An inattentive driver who pulled in front of an 18-wheeler on an on-ramp and doesn’t realize how close to tragedy they were. (I watched the smoke come out of all the tires of the truck as it desperately slowed down to not hit them).
On this World Kindness Day, remember, no matter how nice of a person you naturally are, it still takes extra effort to not be accidentally rude.?It’s a skill we must practice to be extra aware of our surroundings and how our actions are perceived by those around us.
Some other thoughts on kindness I shared this week:
30 years in 30 days
Continuing my daily posts of gratitude, I’ve chronicled my first startup, my third business I started, and my reset from NJ back to Georgia to start law school.
Looking for work?
A lot more people are looking for work this week than last.?Layoffs continue, but some companies are still hiring.?I shared a few thoughts this week on the topic.
Veterans Day
On Friday, the U.S. honored our veterans.?I shared my thanks to those who served.
Technology Thoughts
I’m still a technologist and can help companies with the technology struggles they’re facing in our current world.
Some Fun Was Had
Times are getting tougher, but we still need to take a pause for some fun.?I had a few posts to try and do just that.
In Conclusion
November is a great month for showing gratitude.?But it’s also a great month to remember to be kind.?Especially this November, as a lot of people are experiencing more stress.?Kindness goes a long way in this world, especially for those hurting.
As always, I appreciate your comments, thoughts, and taking the time to read what I share!
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