Be Kind
★ ★Toni Sharp★ ★
?????????????? those looking to travel achieve the most from their time and money | Experienced ???????????? ???????????????????? working with a multi–??????????-?????????????? company
'Be kind' should be our default setting. Reposting a post about it does not mean the box is ticked. We need to start consciously thinking about how kind we really are in every moment. It doesn't mean we need to be super nice and happy 100% of the time as that's not life. However, it does mean that we should perhaps start to think of our reactions to things.
I often get people (who've asked for me to contact them) avoiding me, hanging up on me and being very rude. I am just doing my job and what they've asked but yet I have to mentally battle the poor treatment I receive every day. Just as well I am strong to have that constant rejection but not everyone is.
I also find that when I get a rude email and then I call the person, they back right down and couldn't be more different with me and are usually very nice. They are keyboard warriors. I always say that if you can't say to the person's face what you have popped in an email, delete it and rethink it.
When someone cuts you up on the road, rather than be consumed with anger try and think about why they may have done that. When someone is rude to me, I turn it on its head and I am concerned for them and question what is going on in their life for them to behave in such a way.
You will never be able to control what others say and do but you can control the way you react whilst the world is sorting itself out and working out how to get back to its default setting of being kind.