Kind Speech; The Speech of Our Kind and Why SEO is Redundant
Angela Abraham
Social Evolutionist, Descriptionari founder/author, currently writing novels.
As language shapes culture, culture shapes language. It is the same effect Anne Frank eluded to when she said, “First, we make our choices. Then our choices make us.” In this way, when a culture has gone awry, the language can have a lock-in effect on behaviours we wish to change for the better. We can become frustrated with our apparent inability to do better and loose faith in ourselves, fuelling the negative outcomes and subtle changes in the ways we speak. This is a deleterious cycle of harm, a spiral downwards. This article is about a way to alter our speech in subtle ways to help the process of igniting positive behaviours and mental wellbeing. This is part of what I call social evolution and, along with peace activism, this linguistic study is the essence of my life's work to date and the reason Descriptionari is so successful with youth of all backgrounds and is #1 in search engine results. Firstly I will give an overview of the principles and secondly explain why SEO is redundant.
My work on Descriptionari takes into account the following principles:
* We learn best through storytelling and role-modelling, we evolved this way and have a natural preference for it over directly being instructed what to do.
* We learn best as active collaborators, able to seek information and synthesize it in a way that is inline with our innate curiosities.
* When stressed or anxious we may misread negations and be “triggered” by negative words and so the use of them needs to be done carefully with this in mind.
* Word associations are powerful, metaphors can be used to subliminally promote interracial respect/peace, reduce societal dichotomies (“them” and “us” beliefs), increase love of nature and the ability to feel joyful, boost self belief and help in the creation of a positive internal voice. Essentially, the same technique used to “dog whistle” can be used to free the human brain, as always, it's not the tool that's the problem, it's what we use it for. Reduction of anxiety is important to health and we naturally seek health and healing over dysfunction.
* The existence and non existence of words. For example, in Mayan culture there is no word for “control” in the context of human relationships, whereas the western culture obsession with who is in control in relationships of all kinds is shown by our language. And, to push the point home, “First we make our words. Then the words make us.” If instead we approach relationships as collaborations between equals, each person with their own free will, a lot of things change for the better. We become more as “horse whispers” than “masters with whips.” As such, our words that do exist and the holes in our language for words that could exist tell their own tale. What is our word for joy that comes from being in nature? What is our word for the buzz one can get from feeling warm sunshine on the skin? What is our word for the uplifting feeling one gets from helping others? What words have come into fashion and fallen away or exist in other cultures but not ours?
* Writing that is raw and honest has an ability to connect with people and give a sense of belonging. It is important to show that we all have the capacity for dark feelings and these are part of the positive ability for “noble dark.” We can help youth to navigate adolescence by being positive role models in storytelling and in the way we love in deeds as well as creeds; we can show that our “inner pet dragon” is there to protect us and those we love, to protect humanity in the broadest possible sense and it is ours to learn how to control/be responsible for. No amount of “telling” can replace a solid role-model.
*Teaching should honour natural learning (observe, imitate, practice, master). We prefer to learn and then imitate and practice in a fairly independent fashion, seeking the master for advice when we feel the need for help or praise. This makes efficient use of mirror neurones (copying), after all, this is how all young mammals learn.
* To honour asynchronous brain development/specialization/diversity of ability and inclination as community strength. When everyone feels confident and appreciated for their innate talents, the entire community thrives.
* Writing is a healing art and, as such, by providing access to inspiration and encouragement also promotes the natural healing pathways. Just as we dream in a similar “language” of metaphor, creative writing has a language of metaphor, word associations and subtext to stories, and this complex yet natural mode of brain activity is an essential part of how our brains function. When we speak this way it facilitates trust. This is when our creative intelligence burst forward in song, writing and all types of art to communicate in honest, soulful ways to bring health, peace, and self-knowledge.
* Boosting creative writing and creative arts boosts creativity in general, making innovation and invention more likely.
* Stories and lyrics are community communications and conversations. It is time to truly embrace what our stories and songs are, for they tell of our fears, pains and hopes. They tell of our desire for connection to others and to nature.
* Writing to enhance emotional intelligence. Understanding light, dark and noble dark – the positive role of the inner “pet dragon” in the protection of the self and others, the responsibility to ensure it remains noble and doesn't harm others. To have a deep feeling for what empathy, compassion and kindness are, To have a positive self esteem that is not at the expense of others. To understand envy, jealousy, greed, sloth etc and how they are harming our world from the micro to the macro level. To have a secure handle on what fear is and how it alters thinking.
* To reduce fears and boost hope. Fears can come in many flavours and it is important to role-model healthy ways to overcome them and remain hopeful and joyful. Anxiety and fear reduce our ability to make good choices and have focus. Thus, to reduce fear/anxiety is one of the biggest ways we can help promote youth mental health. Stress in all forms is the most damaging influence on the mind and body; when we create a healthy space it is inviting and those who come will wish to return.
* To model creative solution finding with a feeling for concepts over semantics. All too often people are getting views and creating “click bait” by triggering fear. When we do the opposite and model creative ways to solve problems we become the “good parent” instead of the “abusive parent.” It is well known that abuse creates dependance over independence, yet it is independence that is healthy. Thus, when we make the switch, people stick with us because they truly want to and their free will is enhanced rather than robbed.
* Using words to promote equity and liberation over control and dominance. Language can free us or bind us; it can be as a hangover of a bygone era we are wishing to heal from. In some languages words like “children” translate as “sacred gift,” and the words of control and domination are absent. Thus we can use language to free the mind and spirit, bringing more soulfulness and robust health and individual and species levels.
*To reduce prejudice by adding more positive associations to counteract negative stereotyping. This is the opposite action of calling a group by dismissive and dehumanizing names or connections. It is the deliberate use of positive words to create positive associations with all perceived “groups” to create a unified sense of “us” instead of the dichotomous “them and us” battles that bring ratings and views at the expense of societal health. This works to free up the most highly evolved area of the brain, the prefrontal cortex, for the work of empathy and logic/analysis rather than constantly triggering the population into the primitive thought patterns.
*To spread simple wisdom/mindfulness/appreciation of “the now” and tips for health promotion. Often it is the loving and well intended gentle nudge that changes our direction over a direct instruction for change. We need to feel that the wisdom comes from a sense of love and we have a degree of choice in accepting it as guidance. We love to be guided, we hate to be instructed; the nuance makes all the difference.
And yes, children raised this way won't fit into our western culture, because our culture is broken and they will be the generations that are morphing into a healthier and better future. We will be enabling our children and future generations to live with more positivity, be more closely aligned with natural human populations in spirit, be more in tune with nature as well as making great strides in technology and engineering.
To look at why SEO is redundant, I can say that Descriptionari took off when the writing truly adhered to the above principles as creative, unique content with true emotional value and wisdom. The true intention of any work will shine through, thus only if the writer's deepest desire is to help and heal, will the writing be of value to others. Truthful people have a certain way of speaking and “being” that is translated into the writing at a subconscious level, we are preprogrammed to be honest communicators because that is what's best for our community. Thus, in a world of folks manipulating others to buy products or click links, empathic and kind communication intended to heal and help will win. As such SEO is arrogant, ignoring the true purpose of communication and treating our fellow being as no more than “consumers” or pieces on a chess board to be controlled by others. My advice is to learn what makes Descriptionari so successful with an organically generated page views in excess of a million per month and increasing by 75% year on year (as of July 2018).
The good news and take home message here is ...
“ This is, and is increasingly becoming, a world where 'nice guys' can win; indeed, I'd say the odds are in their favour.”
/Bedford Public Speaker & Motivational Speaker who motivates businesses! "Action Thru Motivation"! Film Media!
6 年Exuberant & exhilarating! :0)?
Senior Lecturer, Nottingham Trent University
6 年Very interesting and enlightening..!