Be Kind to Everyone – Including Yourself
There’s a very strong tradition in most of the world’s cultures that celebrates the importance of generosity. In fact, it’s a fundamental aspect of our species and entirely normal for us to adopt a spirit of giving. But do you ever wonder what the people in your social circle would really like to receive? Perhaps, we should think about giving people something that could make a truly significant and enduring difference to their lives.
And, if you’re wondering what could possibly qualify as the secret ingredient in this powerful expression of generosity, have you ever considered offering the priceless gift of unconditional acceptance?
Unconditional love really exists in each of us. It is part of our deep inner being. It is not so much an active emotion as a state of being. It's not 'I love you' for this or that reason, not 'I love you if you love me.' It's love for no reason at all, love without an objective.
-?????? Ram Dass
If you’ve ever been in the presence of someone who offered you the incredibly rare gift of unconditional acceptance, you’ll know how profound and life-changing the experience can be. It is, however, exceptionally rare within the framework of human relations because most exchanges of love and affection are based on the idea that we always expect to receive something in return for what we give. It’s like keeping an emotional profit and loss account on all our significant relationships.
This hardly qualifies as unconditional.
Yet, here’s a suggestion. If it’s such a rare and precious commodity and, if we can’t realistically expect to experience it as a spontaneous expression of unconditional love from someone else, why don’t we become the source of such beautiful experiences?
The ultimate lesson all of us have to learn is unconditional love,
which includes not only others but ourselves as well.
-?????? Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Why don’t we create the opportunity in our lives to become the individuals who generate this beautiful condition and offer it to others as a way of making the world a better place for everyone to share?
Does that sound completely crazy to you? Take a moment or two to think about it and imagine how much of an impact you could make upon the world with this fabulous energy.
By giving your complete love and acceptance to another, there is no cost or risk to you whatsoever. Although you’ll certainly feel the extraordinary power that flows from offering a selfless act of support and encouragement and validation, you will also be setting yourself free from the old trap of only giving in proportion to what you might expect to receive.
When you have no expectations, you don’t have to be concerned about the outcome. After all, it’s certainly possible that your unconditional love might not be accepted by the intended recipient. But since you’ve given your acceptance without condition and without any concern about receiving anything in return, you can now appreciate that the outcome rests in the hands and heart of the other person. It’s an extraordinarily liberating way of connecting with another human being. There is no agenda. There is no hint of manipulation. You offer your unconditional acceptance and allow the other person to experience whatever they may choose to feel in the aftermath of your gesture.
Love is extending yourself in the spirit of love, even when it’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done, and it’s finding serenity and bliss on the other side.
— Andrea Miller
Let’s be completely clear here. Unconditional acceptance is one of the most powerful experiences a human being can receive. We’re talking about a singularly profound experience that has no counterpart in human relations. It also implies that when you give unconditional love and acceptance, you become part of something that is most surely transformatory. To become part of that process induces change at an unexpectedly deep level. Is it positive? Absolutely. Is it worthwhile? Extremely.
And whilst you’re contemplating the power of offering unconditional love and acceptance to others, let’s remember that you also deserve to receive the benefits of this life-enhancing experience. In fact, as you learn to accept yourself and empower your life with the force of unconditional love, you can expect to witness changes in all aspects of your life. It surely offers one of the most potent catalysts that you can introduce into your life.
Unconditional love never fails any test. It can struggle, but the bond cannot be broken.
— Vex King
Our mission and our daily motivation at The Wellness Foundation is to help you achieve your goals, fulfil your dreams and help you realise your ambitions.
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