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What is Kimchi ?

I’m thinking of Radish Kimchi.

Some of you may still be unfamiliar with Kimchi even though it’s become highly popular in the last two centuries here in the western world. It’s basically spicy, fermented cabbage, kind of like German Sauerkraut, but with Korean flavors – Garlic, Ginger, Spring Onion & Korean Chilies variety called Gochujang.

I really like to use White Radish Slices with Akabare Chilli.

Kimchi is like the heart and soul of Korean cooking. Same as our Achar in Nepali Kitchen.

My best version of Kimchi was Quick Fennel Kimchi.
My everyday favourite is Quick Cucumber Kimchi

It will help us to have bland food with it.

Do you know Kimchi is Live!

Full of living, healthy good bacteria, or probiotics, that boost immunity, energize the body, and aid digestion, it is believed to fight cancer, lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar.

Let’s make Radish/ Moola Kimchi with Akbare Chili.

Dalle Khursani | Akbare Chilli is just what I’m looking for. Dalle Khursani is one of the hottest chilies in the world in counting.

Living up to its name and fame, the Chili is super-hot and is not for the faint-hearted. Usually grown in the eastern region of Nepal, Dalle Khursani belongs to the Capsicum family and is known to be amongst the most extreme in terms of heat. When fully ripen, this bright red-round-cherry-sized ball spices up all the taste buds it comes into contact with.

It turns bland food into spicy and flavoursome food in a fraction of time.

Marrying and paring with Akbare, Dalli Chilli, Mooli and Garlic, Ginger and Salt is key to using our traditional fermentation technique.



