Killing My Car Softly ??
Commuting is a Quick Death for Your Car
How many miles do you put on your car?
I used to hear the complaints at work. And I was right there with them when I had to commute in a car.
Imagine living right near work. I mean walking distance. Twice in my life, I lived within walking distance of my job. Once, I lived a few blocks away. The other time I was right next door.
The Drawbacks:?
???? Walking long distances to the store
?? Could only carry so much in groceries
?? Had to travel by bus anywhere else
?? The Doctor, Dentist, and Barber had to be nearby
Unfortunately, my accommodations were shabby apartments. Better living situations and affordable rent came when I moved further away.
But that created more significant travel expenses. Especially when gas prices went up. And in California, where taxes were tacked on, that meant a new burden.
Add on driving to Northern California from Southern California every few months to visit my mother. I had a considerable fuel consumption. That’s so much added mileage, forget the gas. My car was wearing out fast.
The Motorcycle Solution/Debacle
When I was in town near work, I had a motorcycle. Cheaper insurance and less gas. But I had to stop at the gas station a lot more. And I wore out the bike faster with more trips.
I also got knocked down by drivers who didn’t stay aware of the road.
A motorcycle depreciates the same as a car:
??Battery life shorter
?? Brakes need servicing and replacement
?? Lights and turn signals replacement
?? More frequent oil changes
?? Tires wear down more quickly
In the end, the engine was so old and used up that I had to let it go.
Back to a Car
But once I had a car, I could live further from work. And pay $4 to $5 a gallon when gas prices hiked. There was no winning. But it got worse.
I used to live 9 miles away from work. Valley Village to Beverly Hills in 28 minutes. That’s 18 miles round trip.
Then I moved to Canyon Country in the Santa Clarita Valley. I drove to Glassell Park in Los Angeles. My trip was 34 miles one way (46 minutes).
That’s 68 miles a day with 92 minutes on the road.
Could you see how much it cost in gas at $5.00 a gallon? ??
Today I live in Las Vegas and travel 25 miles to work one way. I go to Costco early in the morning on my days off. Otherwise, I’m in a line out to the street. I have extra travel on top of that.
When does it get easier? It doesn’t.
The Catalyst
Detergents are usually hard on your car. I don’t like the gas that uses them. But a catalyst is different. Your gas mileage, performance, and emissions could all be improved.
?? Wouldn’t you want to pay less for gas consumption?
?? Do you care about cleaner emissions?
?? How do you feel about improving vehicle performance?
?? Does extending your vehicle’s life mean anything?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you should consider a catalyst. Unless you have no problem paying more for gas and replacing your car or truck more frequently.
And don’t forget your at-home fuel users, such as lawnmowers, tractors on farms, and machinery.
Performance matters, especially when it comes to fuel.
Check out what this all means.