Killing Crime with Common Sense
Sean Gresh
Educator (Northeastern Univ. College of Professional Studies, Emerson, Allen University), Executive Speechwriter (IBM, Digital Equipment Corp,Honeywell) Author, Private Pilot, Former 2020 Mayoral Candidate, Baltimore
My highest priority is fighting crime and making Baltimore safe for those who live, work, and visit here.
I believe in a common sense approach to fighting crime.
Common sense dictates buy-in from those whom the plan is targeted to serve.
A plan to fight crime will have a better chance of succeeding if the planners get input from
(1) those who live in crime-ridden neighborhoods, and from
(2) the police, first-responders, fire fighters and others working in the neighborhoods.
These two groups know more about what’s going on in their neighborhoods than those sitting in downtown offices out of harm’s way.
The fight against crime today has been impeded by the stupid actions of some of the city’s leaders. How?
(1) Those proposing plans are fighting one another publicly via interview statements or social media.
(2) They are not on the same page.
(3) Citizens know this, and so do the criminals.
Criminals in Baltimore are not stupid.
They know when they see the powers-that-be point fingers at one another, this makes media headlines.
Criminals take advantage of an enemy that is divided. The result? Criminals are getting away with murder (so far 7 out of 10 murders in 2019). They are creating an unimaginably frightening environment that harms children and their families. And there are an estimated 16,000 children living in neighborhoods with the most homicides.
We need a leader with common sense who will be out there in the neighborhoods, listening to families, consoling the afflicted, rallying the first responders, the police, the social workers, fire fighters et al, encouraging all, inspiring them and us and letting all of us know what’s going on.
The mayor, police commissioner, the leader of the Fraternal Order of Police et al should be speaking with ONE voice for ONE Baltimore. Today, they are not. And Baltimore is suffering as a result of this.
READ MORE: Sean's Perspectives on Killing Crime