Killing Cancer - Thanks for the Reviews!
I'm humbled and appreciate the reviews of KILLING CANCER. If you or yours is fighting the monster and can't afford the small price of the book, contact me at [email protected] and I'll send you a FREE pdf copy. Stay strong.... Three of 41 reviews:
5.0 out of 5 starsNot just for cancer patients
November 22, 2012
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I learned that according to the American cancer society, one in two men and one in three women will develop some form of cancer in their lifetimes. If that doesn't wake you up to learning more about cancer and how to kill it, then what you don't know WILL HURT YOU. This book is the perfect introduction to the life and lifestyle of not just surviving cancer, but beating it completely.
Pros: This book is written in the form of a personal journal which is very insightful. The author explains the process of how to look for cancer warning signs in your body, how to see a doctor right away, what questions to ask, how to prepare your mind for treatment, and how to ask for a second opinion to determine what is right for you situation.
Cons: I really could't find any. I usually list two or three in my reviews, but in this case I cannot. The book is well written and keeps your attention from beginning to the end.
I highly recommend Killing Cancer. In my opinion, it is an incredible resource for CANCER PREVENTION for people who do not have it. The author provides warning signs and simple preventative measures that work. He explains in detail how he fought to elevate his body's pH (alkalinity) which I have researched over the last 12 years as being one of the best and most effective cancer killers. So whether you are healthy or in the fight for your life, grab this book to know that you can prevent it and even beat it if you set your mind to it.
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Anthony Metivier
5.0 out of 5 starsIntense, Honest, Inspiring
December 6, 2012
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Killing Cancer is a first-person account of cancer survival - or better said, cancer mastery. This book takes you through everything: discovery of the problem (twice!), the fear and the doubt, and finally the resolve and the wherewithal to get the job done. In what could have been a gloomy meditation on suffering, L. J. Martin treats cancer like a call-to-adventure and we watch him face every obstacle with courage, dignity, humor and wit. Although survival serves as the basic theme of the book, Martin supports it with a kind of Western-hero mythology. He knows the genre well, so in some sense, cancer is the bad guy who has rolled into town and Martin the reluctant, but more than capable Sheriff. His personal story includes a faithful heroine in the form of his wife, and his portraits of the doctors and other patients are filled with human moments, telling dialogue and repartee. The writing style is wonderful. Within a few pages, you feel like you've been reading the author for years. The voice is strong and I don't think I'll ever forget the joke about the retiree who decides to go to law school.
The book made me feel differently about cancer, particularly since I've come to an age where I've come to see two friends depart under its spell. I felt that they were almost victims of the medical system first, and only after that, of the cancer. But Martin shows how many possibilities exist for a person willing to navigate, if not bend the system to his or her purposes. And in this way, he is kind of like the lone outlaw himself: good at heart, but with the knowledge that if he doesn't take the bull by the horns and find the right sawbones on his own, no one else will.
The most intense scenarios in the book were also the scariest. The confinement and claustrophobia of being under the "death ray," as Martin refers to radiation-therapy are exquisitely described. You feel so much for the author that he makes you wish Killing Cancer really were a fiction instead of a biographical rendering of his race to kill cancer.
This book sets out to give a frank account of what it means to discover cancer and then take the initiative to target a cure. I therefore highly recommend this book to anyone who has heard the word cancer, whether or not it has touched their own lives or the life of a loved one. When the evil C does come around - and for nearly all of us , it eventually will - you're going to want to have L. J. Martin's voice of truth and inspiration close at hand.
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John Corbin
5.0 out of 5 starsIt Will Inspire The Courage To Act -
October 7, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
This book is a bold look at fighting cancer. Both my mother and brother passed away from cancer and I wish we had this resource during the battle.
The author, a two time cancer survivor, reflects upon his personal struggles with cancer. His candor and openness inspires both the cancer patient and their loved ones. It’s a no-nonsense; take no prisoners, informative journal describing the trials and tribulations of how he and his family lived life while working to conquer his cancer.
This is a personal story which includes the trials; physical, mental, and emotional which accompany this disease.
One of the many things that I learned from this book is how a positive mental attitude is essential in the battle to survive cancer. And the author shares (with a great sense of humor) some of his personal insights as relates to his treatments.
In my mind this is a “must read” for cancer patients and their families and friends. It will inspire the courage to act.