Killer Kratom: Not Your Average Herb

Killer Kratom: Not Your Average Herb

Let's Discuss Kratom and what it's really doing for medicine. Perhaps we should step even farther back and discuss what it's NOT doing for medicine. Or, perhaps plunge deeper into the wormhole and examine how history repeats itself time after time, herb after herb.


Kratom is to Cannabis now what Cannabis was to acceptance in the 1930's. Killer Marijuana! now we see Killer Kratom? -Joshua Arnold

There is no coincidence when it comes to conditioning. The human mind and fear of the unknown will always be used by our Government and trusted officials to manipulate truth for financial gain/power over the people. We are told these herbs are extremely harmful by Dr.'s and associates we trusted since we were children. Only to realize everything we were told was false. Oops sorry about that, here's the facts that we don't know... The only thing wrong with Medicine is medicine itself. Built around parameters based on feeding the system while increasing payouts for Dr's over actually focusing on healing the patient. Kratom could actually be a cure to so many ailments and that's proven by how many ailments report relief from regular use. It's in the double digits... Kratom can help millions of people yet the government lies about its toxicity and dependency. Kratom could actually become the green pill of success we all need. 10% unknown alkaloids are what holds it back from recognition. That and the fact it helps so many ailments, it is in my opinion a medical anomaly. So, rather than accept new medicine that may be beneficial if proper methodology and protocols are engaged. The government smashes down immediately treating the unknown as "evil" and banning it with mis-representation and disinformation. History has repeated itself has it not? We all know lobbyists are paid to instruct Dr.'s to ignore certain facts to promote their lobbied medicines. Denying recognition to truth about what the people are experiencing from other herbs that are uncontrollable like Cannabis and Kratom. They fear the easy access and non regulatory aspects around these herbs but they (Dr's or physicians) then refer these addicts of Kratom to more addictive substances when the patient trusts that Dr. by reporting mild withdrawal from over use of Kratom. Rather than telling the patient to titrate down they refer them to Methadone or Suboxone. Why is this healthier? Why such hatred towards this product doc? any Dr. who sees withdrawal from opiates vs. kratom knows that it's far far less of a detox. Sending someone to Methadone or Suboxone gets the patient into the system longer generating more money. This goes agains that oath that all Dr.'s took when receiving their license. To help means to do no harm...

Kratom is not going to be forgotten any time soon (just like Cannabis). Truth will prevail and we pray those Dr.'s who are so quick to assume they know truth when they truly know nothing will educate themselves. Open up to psilocybin before you take the Kratom leap tharr good Dr... There has to be a changing of the guard at some point. Cause and effect. The effect is what we all witness yet ignore in life. Ruling over listening hurts us all as a whole. How may truly trust that their Dr. has their best interest at heart these days? Since when did Being a Dr. mean denying clinical breakthroughs? Is that truly medicine as we see fit? Shouldn't we as advocates of Kratom be teaching the Dr.'s about this herb? Why has there been such denial of a beautiful thing I wonder. Could it be money?

Kratom is a medicine not a food. It may become labeled a food for ease of sale (as that's the plan from the KCPA) but by all means it is not a food at all. There are 7 beneficial alkaloids present in a full spectrum panel and 10% unidentified. We can guarantee that science at this point does not plan to execute the proposed dollars for research or we would have heard something by now about furthered clinical human trials correct? These trials are already being done at home and for centuries around the globe. Starting in the tropics where it has been used without one death or any problems for over a century plus. King Tut most likely used Kratom...

Kratom is sister tree to the Coffee family. Mitragyna Speciosa AKA Kratom does not contain caffeine. Active ingredients are (MG) Mitragynine which is the energy alkaloid. 7-Hydroxymitragynine (7-HMG) is the pain reliving alkaloid. 7-HMG is readily available ONLY when consuming large amounts of kratom leaf over 50 grams at a time. This is really hard to do and cannot be done as a functioning person. Indonesians have used extract for centuries also. This extract is a primitive extract that concentrates heavy metals already naturally occurring in the leaf. heavy metals are toxic and affect absorption of mitragynine over time. (We explain all of this in detail in the Book Leaf of Luxury Kratom Myth Vs. Fact. available online at or where books are sold like Barnes and Noble, Google, etc etc.) labs do not focus on isolation of 7-HMG as it naturally does not isolate over 1% 7-HMG when we extract. We have extracted every type of claimed "strain/powder" variable and alway had the same results with our final yields. Mitragynine is the sole source for anything the user seeks. When the user is seeking Kratom they are seeking Mitragynine which are the energy alkaloids. Some users system will convert more of this Mitragynine into 7-HMG depending on variables that are undetermined at this time based on lack of funding for clinical trials. This funding is currently readily available in OR and LA however we are unaware of who or what source grabbed these funds.


Kratom has no strains. Ok, yes it does but only two identified cultivars. Kratom strains are mostly a bunch of marketing ploys created to mislead buyers into thinking that particular strain is special when in actuality that strain is actually not any different than the last. Strains are nothing. What separates these vendors strains from another is how they use different colored dye. This dye stains the kratom leaf powder making users think it's a different strain (based on names and whatever else they say as well). Kratom is one color usually dark green/light green. Kratom is not naturally ever as red as most Red strains appear. There are no such thing as crosses of strains. Uncanny how many vendors lie about what this product truly is. More like they "Choose" not to educate themselves in order to appear as if they have something no one else has. In the end it's all just Mitragynine. If I was a consumer I would never buy from a vendor that claimed to have exotic strains and blends because its all the same source (overseas) whether they admit it or not. Most of those online stores grab whatever bulk powder that gets into the states without a care about how good it is or how it was dried. There are so many Indonesians drying in their village and allowing chickens to pluck through the drying leaf. Remember... Sun dried leaf has birds flying overhead defecating into the drying leaf. Chickens sift for bugs and defecate also. The farmers kick it around with their feet which also has fecal matter on them. Again and again exposing to salmonella and e. coli. DO NOT BUY FROM OUTSIDE THE USA! Buy from because the source is lab tested/mother approved. (100% purity and satisfaction guaranteed since 2017.) The cleaner the product the friendlier the people it seems. Be careful trusting a third world environment that does not focus on sanitization or iso/ Cgmp guidelines. using other credible vendors COA's and videos does not make them credible. There are only a select handful of vendors with access to gamma ray processing overseas. The things that are pertinent to know about vending and buying overseas is all spoken about in the Book Leaf of Luxury kratom Myth Vs. Fact.

I will break it down again one time for this article. Green Kratom is the in between strain great for energy and contains a small amount of 7-HMG (supposedly). Mitragynine is the active ingredient. Red Leaf is the most mature leaf and contains a small amount of 7-HMG in higher concentration than Green Leaf. This is also a myth. Leaf to leaf its all Mitrgaynine. We have seen many strains of red leaf containing dye and only mitragynine. It's hard to find a good red. Red is the most mature part of the leaf. The highest leaf in the tree and hardest to reach will be your darker, more mature, Red leaf. We seek mitragynine like a Cannabis user seeks THC. White Kratom leaf is the most immature Kratom leaf. No 7-HMG and low low amounts of MG in comparison to mature leaf. 25 years it takes for a plant/ tree to mature enough to produce the alkaloids we desire. Kratom potency is based on age first region second, not the actual leaf. There are only 2 identified cultivars of Kratom on the planet sooo. Please check out the book I wrote to learn more about this controversial herb. Remember... Red in bed, white up all night, green in between. Red in bed means red strains contain more 7-HMG. Green means it's variable/ in between with mostly mitragynine/energy and only. small micro amounts of 7-HMG in good green leaf. Bad green leaf is only Mitragynine however that does not make it bad it just makes it Kratom. Strains are a myth entirely. One either has good Kratom or they don't. We explain these identified cultivars in our book Leaf of Luxury Kratom Myth Vs. Fact. found online at or direct from the publisher. (see link above)

Remember...Kratom potency is 1:100 unlike THC which is 30:100 (average). Kratom is far more potent than any herb known to man with 10% unidentified alkaloids. It's Extract variables alone need to be taught in a classroom format to fully understand.

Be cautious where you shop for Kratom products as some (if not the majority) of people who sell this herb have no idea what it is. Trust with 100% of you Kratom needs/services from: White Label Kratom MFG, packaged supplement contract MFG products, design concepts and formulation, marketing to Public speaking events, Kratom education needs and local community sponsorship/involvement. Please do not Google search what kratom is if you want the most accurate advice. There is no source or any one site with valid information online that will help further your education about the real truth regarding Kratom at this point other than Leaf of Luxury Kratom Myth Vs. Fact. Wash your thoughts away because everything you may have heard about Kratom may be entirely false...

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