Kill Them All
When we consider the seemingly endless series of mass killings which has transformed the United States, and indeed the world, we might remember to consider there is a learning factor involved. Where does a person learn to hate so much and from what source does one learn how to kill them all. Is it from TV or the violent computer games we let our children play? Regardless of where people learn this behavior, we are the responsible parties.
The mass killings that seem to go on forever should serve to remind us that, as a society, we ourselves are responsible for our collective actions. We cannot rely on law enforcement to completely protect and serve because members of the community of law enforcement cannot be present everywhere at all times. We can learn from each other, and one thing that we can learn from the Arnulfo T. Garcia Foundation ( is that we should assume responsibility for our own action or inaction, step up, and lead our own community into the future. The politicians and police cannot do it for us. We must do it.