# Kill the silly management
Silly management is the indication of down fall in work and any kind of business. it’s a one types of sickness who start slowly then capture one by one part of body at last stage you will be going to die due to sickness. .
Silly management is like that when whole management not working properly. If you can’t do anything then your lower management will harm then middle and then at last when you don’t have anything to do then you will destroy yourself.
So I want tell you how you can come out from high sickness or low sickness. Silly management needs proper repair of top to bottom. if you can’t do that then slowly your management and your business or company will die soon as possible.so kill the problem before coming
Be a punctual and active in working time and don’t think why I should do work. Think if you will not do the work you will not getting better life without money. so love your work and don’t becoming a part of silly management,
To be continuous...#countryloverboy #romeythakur #naturelover #animallover #humanitylover.