Kiki Tidwell on Angel Investing. Propel(x) Podcast - Episode 5 Released!
Dear Listeners - our podcast schedule has been thrown off kilter by the shelter-in-place orders! But, we are continuing to forge forward and we release today, our newest episode - Episode 5 - The Process of Angel Investing with Kiki Tidwell.
Join us as we interview our guest – Kiki Tidwell – a prolific angel investor, philanthropist, and cleantech evangelist. Among her many activities, Kiki is also a Founding Member of the Tech Advisory Group for the Stanford Center for Human Rights and International Justice. More on Kiki here.
In this episode, we discuss how Kiki invests. Her process – starting from sourcing deal-flow, conducting diligence, evaluating the team and more. Kiki also shares her insights on success and failure and how to build a portfolio.
We must emphasize, as always, that investing in early stage, unproven startups, is a high risk activity. There is no exact science to evaluating these companies. These investments carry the risk of complete capital loss.