Kids, Digital Learning Twins, Neural Biometrics, Their Data, Privacy & Liabilities
Guy Huntington
Trailblazing Human and Entity Identity & Learning Visionary - Created a new legal identity architecture for humans/ AI systems/bots and leveraged this to create a new learning architecture
February 2,2024 Update - I've updated the article with recent articles.
As the tech waves flow into homes and classrooms around the planet, it creates new ways of learning, including creation of a digital learning twin (DLT), and use of different types of biometric, behavioral and neural data to use in their identity verification and authentication. However, all of this comes with lots of new challenges in protecting the child, their data, how it's used, their privacy, insurance risks and liabilities. That's what this article dives into.
Note: Readers should skim "Kids, Schools, AI/AR/VR, Legal Identities, Contracts and Privacy" to understand this article, as well as to see the story line of John Doe, his learning assistant bot "AssistBot", his parents, Jane Doe and Wendy Smith, and his interaction with a teacher, Sally Goodteacher, and two assistant teaching bots, PattyBot and BobBot, in a global AI/AR/VR environment from his school.
Readers should also skim
"Rethinking Human Legal Identity" and "Creating AI System/Bots Legal Identity Framework" to understand the underlying legal identity framework required to make the magic work described in this article. Then skim "Transformational Learning Vision" and "Learning Vision Flyover" to see the big learning vision plus seeing what the architectural/cost components are required to create it.
Long Before John Ever Showed Up in a School...
When John was a toddler, his parents took him to a health care centre. They legally identified themselves and John using their LSSI devices, and gave their consent for John's legal identity and health data to be released for specified use to the health clinic. THEY ALSO AGREED FOR JOHN TO HAVE A LEARNING ASSESSMENT DONE ON HIM.
Thus, the health care clinic used physical and virtual bots to do a learning assessment on John. This includes his abilities to see, hear, smell, eye/hand coordination, how he learns, his ability to work with others, etc. It produces data, which is fed into a new "Digital Learning Twin" (DLT), for John. It takes this data and produces the first version of an "Individualized Education Plan" (IEP) for John.
Note: The DLT is controlled by John (or by his parents/legal guardian in his early days until he comes of legal age). The DLT is registered with the CRVS against John's legal identity.
The DLT/IEP recognized early on John had some learning challenges. Thus, his parents bought him a learning assistant bot "AssistBot". In the future, I can see this being provided free of charge to John either via the government, a private insurance policy, or whatever.
To learn more about DLT and learning assistant bots' legal identities, skim the following:
John's Learning Data is Controlled by Him
The "We Have an Identity Problem" article above lays out an increasingly complex data landscape for John. AssistBot will be taking in all sorts of different biometric, behavioral, neural and learning data, but it will also be producing lots of it in assisting John in his learning. Additionally, as more bots are brought into the home and school, these too are likely both consuming and creating lots of data about John.
Here's my first point - all learning data about John must be controlled by him, or when he's young, by his parents/legal guardians. ANY ENTITIES OBTAINING JOHN'S BIOMETRIC, BEHAVIORAL, NEURAL AND OTHER DATA, AND/OR PRODUCING DATA ABOUT JOHN, MUST BE WITH HIS OR HIS PARENT'S/LEGAL GUARDIANS CONSENT.
Management of John's Data
Here's my next point - as per the article Kids, Schools, AI/AR/VR, Legal Identities, Contracts and Privacy , the consents and resulting legal consent contracts, are managed by John's "Personal Identity Access Management" (PIAM) system.
It won't matter where John is on the planet, nor where the entities he's interacting with are located, both physically and virtually. Consent legal agreements will be agreed to by all parties. The underpinnings of making this magic happen are standardization of definitions and data for legal identity, biometrics, behavioral analysis, neural biometrics, legal identity relationships, credentials, consent agreements and risk levels, etc.
Thus, when John and AssistBot are entered into the school's LMS (learning management system), the capability files, providing clear authorization agreements for John, are also using global standards. This enables not only John's school and school district to know what to do with John's data, but also makes it relatively easy to interface with AI/AR/VR vendor environments, and other school districts located anywhere on the planet, etc.
Storage of John's Data
The DLT and LMS will likely produce LOTS of data about John. Here's my next point - It should be stored under John or his parents/legal guardian's control, unless otherwise agreed to by legal consent agreements.
Hypothetically, John will have his own LDV (Learner Data Vault), which schools, post-secondary, companies, governments et al can then, with his or his parents/legal guardians consent, access it. If John wants to offload this to other entities, it's his or his parents/legal guardian's choice.
Each Second in a Learning Environment, John's DLT is Taking in Data and Producing It
Over time, not overnight, as computing processing speeds increase, storage costs decrease, connectivity improves, and smart IoT (internet of things) devices are widely implemented, John's DLT will consume and produce LOTS of data. It will be continually updating John's IEP.
Paradigm Changes
As tech infrastructure improves at lower cost, with data being available anywhere at anytime, this changes the old paradigms of schools and learning. That's why, in the article, "We Have a Identity Problem - AI/Bots in School, Home & Work", it begins with John at home at a young age.
When John shows up at a kindergarten, pre-school or school, with his parent's consent, they'll release use of his DLT to the school. The school now knows John exceedingly well from a learning management perspective. It might be John is able to do post-secondary mathematics while in primary or secondary school, yet be working at his age level in other subjects. His learning challenges are now not blocking him from doing what interests him and his abilities. IT'S A TRANSFORMATIONAL GAME CHANGER, PLANET WIDE.
Note: In 2010 Sir Ken Robinson gave a Ted Talk. In it, he was saying we needed to create a different learning model, enabling a learner to learn at their own pace. The architecture proposed in this article is the answer to Ken's challenge. Skim this article, "Sir Ken Robinson – You Nailed It!” to see my posthumous letter to Ken describing the new learning architecture.
When John graduates, he might, with his consent, offer use of his DLT to post-secondary institutions and/or employers. Thus, they can instantly model how to best deliver to John what he needs to learn. As well, they can accurately predict in advance costs and time.
Note: The use of a DLT by potential employers and employers also introduces new privacy concerns. What if they use the information to discriminate against John?
John's Neural Data
I was recently introduced to Divya Chander, a physician, neuroscientist, and futurist who trained at Harvard, UCSF, UCSD, and the Salk Institute. She is Chair of Neuroscience and Faculty of Medicine at Singularity University, Visiting Scholar in Medicine (Bioinformatics) at Stanford (where she was on the Anesthesiology faculty for 8 years), and Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council GeoTech Center. She's been educating me on neural sovereignty and neural rights in the 21st Century. I'M NOT AN EXPERT IN THIS AREA.
She's told me rapid advances in the neural sciences:
At which point, even myself, a visionary guy, was overwhelmed by the sheer pace and scope of developments. She's working on new rights for all of this, as well as defining standards.
With her permission, she stated in one doc she shared with me about new ethics required:
"If you believe that these things are true:
? Each human being has the right to mental privacy;
? Each human being has the right to own and control their brain’s data and identifying features;
? Each human being has the right to freedom from mental manipulation (their free will);
? A person’s brain, mind, psyche, and memories are part of one’s very Selfhood, and neural rights
can be considered human rights…
…then we should be arguing for a new code of ethics surrounding neural data and define human rights’ principles that will safeguard them. Those principles should be drafted and reinforced by governments the international community, and followed by independent adjudicators. They should also be willingly undertaken by companies in the private sector, especially as there really are no geographic boundaries any longer within which companies operate."
As an update - go to the 19 minute 30 second mark of "The AI Dilemma". It shows a woman being shown a pic of a giraffe. An AI system, which doesn't know what she's been shown, reads her mind and displays a pic of a giraffe.
So, Now Let's Return to John in his Home, School and Global AI/AR/VR Classroom Environments...
Hypothetically, I can see vendors coming out with new identification and authentication devices leveraging the neural brain prints et al above. It will likely first trickle into the home, via tech John's using, and then rapidly spread into social media, access to phones, schools et al. Here's my point - It isn't to any type of global standards and it lacks a legal identity, consent and data framework, i.e. YIKES!
Which leads me to the next section, i.e. this curve...
Pat Scannell's Tech Change Curve
My friend, Pat Scannell created this wonderful diagram, which displays in one pic, the hundreds of thousands of words I've written about the incoming tsunami wave of tech change.It shows how the rate of tech change is now far exceeding our abilities to cognitively, socially, business and politically keep up with it. So, when Divya was educating me, I was at first overwhelmed, realizing the tech now exists to do not only amazing things, but also potentially many bad things.
When I first saw this curve two years ago, I realized many of the old ways of doing identity systems defense are now no longer valid. Why? The pace of change and the number of new attack vectors. It means, each hour, new attack vectors are being created not only against the tech being used in legal identity, data and privacy, but also against the governance, business processes and end users.
I showed this to Michael Kleeman, ex-CTO of Boston Consulting Group and co-founder of many different telcos around the planet. We both agreed only the largest companies and countries on the planet have the resources to continually defend against it, i.e. the rest of us are prone to repetitive successful attacks.
We came up with the concept of a new global, independent, non-profit. Its job is to do 24x7x365 threat analysis against the legal identity governance, business processes, end users and tech. They'd continually publish and update threat assessments. A very low threat might take months or longer to address, while a very high threat must be responded to in hours. This is bringing current industry best practices to the world of legal identity for both humans and AI systems/bots. It's an out of the box solution, for out of the box times.
While Reading Divya's Material, it was Front and Centre in My Mind
There is no way a school district, state/province, or most types of enterprises, have the resources to defend against this, let alone all the other legal identity attack vectors already in existence. I could see in my mind decision makers becoming so overwhelmed by all this, they simply do what they can do, and hope for the best.
That's why the learning architecture for a new learning vision as shown on page 1 of "Learning Vision Flyover", shows another global, independent non-profit devoted to learning architecture, standards and security. To learn more about this global, independent, learning non-profit, skim pages 400-422 of this paper.
Rapid Change is Messy at First - It Directly Affects Privacy
I love this quote by Robin Sharma, "“Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.” That sums up the current state of John Doe's legal identity, consent and his data privacy. It's collectively a mess today.
Here's my final points:
Children's privacy in this new age, requires a rethink in legal identity, identity assurance, consent, data, which works planet wide, both physically and digitally, starting from birth.
Thus, I'm looking for out of the box funders and 1-3 jurisdictions around the planet to design, test, implement and then rapidly scale all the above.
Readers might want to skim to the section titled "Jane Takes a Course" in “An Identity Day in the Life of Jane Doe” to see an example of how Jane Doe, a mature student, takes a course.
About Guy Huntington
I'm an identity trailblazing problem solver. My past clients include Boeing, Capital One and the Government of Alberta's Digital Citizen Identity & Authentication project. Many of my past projects were leading edge at the time in the identity/security space. I've spent the last eight years working my way through creating a new legal identity architecture and leveraging this to then rethink learning.
I've also done a lot in education as a volunteer over my lifetime.?This included chairing my school district's technology committee in the 90's - which resulted in wiring most of the schools with optic fiber, behind building a technology leveraged school, and past president of Skills Canada BC and Skills Canada.
I do short term consulting for Boards, C-suites and Governments, assisting them in readying themselves for the arrival of AI systems, bots and AI leveraged, smart digital identities of humans.
I've written LOTS about the change coming. Skim the?over 100 LinkedIn articles?I've written,?or my webpage?with lots of papers.
Quotes I REALLY LIKE!!!!!!:
Reference Links:
An Identity Day in The Life:
My Message To Government & Industry Leaders:
National Security:
Rethinking Legal Identity, Credentials & Learning:
Learning Vision:
AI Agents:
AI/Human Legal Identity/Learning Cost References
AI Leveraged, Smart Digital Identities of Humans:
Companies, C-Suites and Boards:
Legal Identity & TODA:
Enterprise Articles:
Rethinking Enterprise Architecture In The Age of AI:
LLC's & AI:
Challenges With AI:
New Security Model:
Legal Identity:
Identity, Death, Laws & Processes:
Open Source:
Climate Change, Migration & Legal Identity:
Behavioral Marketing:
AI Systems and Bots:
Contract Law:
AI/AR/VR Metaverse Type Environments:
EMP/HEMP Data Centre Protection:
A 100,000-Foot Level Summary Of Legal Human Identity
A 100,000-Foot Level Summary Of The Learning Vision:
Founder, Physician, Neuroscientist, Futurist, Global Keynote Speaker
1 年Guy Huntington, a really great overview on digital identity, biometric rights and our future in navigating these spaces!
Digital Innovation/Technology Leader
3 年Jerry Michalski here's a good example of another person reweaving our future for better, with bold new problems and solutions. Note his explicit connections to others (Divya, myself, Michael Kleeman) and some implied connections to others work like Michael Robbins, FRSA (genfluid) Toufi Saliba, Scott David and others.