KickStarter Journal Day 9 - Be Persistant
Orlando U Javien Jr.
Inspiring you to live a life beyond ordinary - Author of God Moments and Unplugged
Good evening and welcome back to my KickStarter Journal. Today is Day 9 of my experiment. Today was a slow day. No new backers.
Hmmm? What lesson can I share today? I think today would be a great day to talk about persistence. Tonight as I reviewed my numbers I contemplated skipping out on the journal entry. I mean nothing changed from yesterday to today.
Yesterday I had 8 backers and $431 pledged. Today I have 8 backers and $431 pledged. At first glance one could say that today was a failure. That would be true if the only goal was to get pledges. But if you go back to Day 1 of my journal you can see that the overall goal was to create a buzz, raise capital and to learn something.
Although these journal entries haven't yielded any pledges, what they have yielded is exposure. Like a pebble being dropped in water creates ripples, each post yields a few more views via LinkedIn and each new post yields a few more views on YouTube. So in the respect to the goal of creating a buzz. Today was a good day!
To a Life Beyond Ordinary!