KickStarter Journal Day 17-18 - Take a Break
Orlando U Javien Jr.
Inspiring you to live a life beyond ordinary - Author of God Moments and Unplugged
Hello and welcome back to my KickStarter Journal. Day 17 and 18 have passed and it's time to reflect on the past two days. I am combining the weekends activities because family time took precedence and no activity occured in the past couple of days.
That brings me to an important lesson on rest. When God created the world, He worked six days then rested on the 7th. Do you think it was because He was tired? No, God rested as an example for us because He knew that we needed it. In Mark 2:27 Jesus said to them, "The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath; so the Son of man is lord even of the sabbath."
In the hustle and bustle of life sometimes we forget about resting. In Matthew Kelly's new book, Resisting Happiness he shares that "Nothing on earth can satisfy your desire for happiness. The reason is very simple; You have a God-size hole. You cannot fill it with things, money, status, power, sex, drugs, alcohol, other people, experiences, or accomplishments. Only God can fill the hole."
In knowing that only God can provide my ultimate happiness I found peace in enjoying a weekend of rest. In resting I was able to live out Psalms 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God."
To a life beyond ordinary!