Kickstart your week with chatGPT

Kickstart your week with chatGPT

Monday morning and it's time for that first cup of coffee, that kickstart to the week. Wouldn't it be great if three experts discussed what you should do this week, found an action plan and called for a meeting? All in your name and completely automatically while you enjoy that cup of coffee?

It sounds almost magical and it may not work for you specifically, but isn't it worth a try? All it costs you are those five minutes of mindless scrolling while you drink your coffee.

So log in to ChatGPT ( and enter this text. Replace the subject with what you are working on:

Pretend to discuss, in swedish, as three different experts in the topic (Expert1, Expert2, Expert3)?how to improve the tourism experience on ?land, Sweden by using ai technology as well as other possible improvements. Avoid negative subjects such as crime. The discussion should be a back and forth to come to better conclusions than any individual person would come to. Have them critique each other and question their assumptions. Feel free to include real places, persons and events that are connected to??land?in the conversation. Please write at least 2000 words.

Keep feeding them with "continue" as long as you feel like you want them to continue the discussion. And when your coffee starts to run out, you can write:

Now please summarize, in Swedish, the conclusions of the whole conversation in ten bullet points.

If any of the points were particularly good, you can always analyze it a bit further by writing:

Discuss point 5

An action plan is always good:

write an action plan

And finally:

Write an email and call for a meeting regarding the action plan and the discussion above. Include an agenda.

There you go, now you can take your cup to the dishwasher and get a grip on this week.

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