Kickstart your Android Development!
At my early days as Android Developer, I love finding different methods to speed up my Android development process. Due to the nature of my projects : fast - small/medium - short-lived, I find this tool be very helpful :
So, what did it do? It helps you kickstart your Android project by defining some existing (popular) components and pack it into one bundle of a starter project.
Fast forward to current time, after migrating our standard from the usual MVC to MVVM with Data Binding, we're now trying to develop something similar to the tool mentioned above. Baby steps though, we managed to create small starter project here : Flipbox MVVM Starter
What did it do currently? Well, the starter project contains our standard structures and some screens ( splash screen, login screen, viewpager ) to help you get started with MVVM architecture.
We're planning to keep updating the repo and creating the generator online ( fingers crossed ). So feel free to make any requests / open issues on the repository.