Kick Bad Habits to the Curb: How to Get the Life you Desire!
Keith Engelhardt
I help Introverts EVOLVE ! ? to develop your highest potential and achieve the success you desire and deserve with Neuroscience based programs that produce long lasting results.
Personal growth is an essential aspect of your journey through life. Yet few explore the process of self-improvement, self-discovery, and continuous development that empowers us to reach our fullest potential.
Eddie Pinero is known for this quote: "It's much easier to shake your fist at the world around you than it is to delve into the one within you." Sadly, this is true for far too many people. And a key ingredient to personal or profrssional growth is changing your habits; especially ones that do not serve you. However, do you know how to change the neurobiology of habits.
Why not move beyond the fray and the masses and start or enhance your journey of personal growth by changing your habits?
Habits are deeply ingrained in our?subconscious mind, and they shape our lives more than we realize. The triggers and cues from almost anything can trigger a habit or?habitual response, and we might not remember the experiences, beliefs, or perceptions that create our habits. However, once habits are lodged within our brains, they influence how we act, often without our realization. This article will explore the concept of habits and how they shape our lives, drawing on evidence-based research and examples.
The Science behind Habits
The science of habits is based on the idea that our brains are wired to seek efficiency and conserve energy. The brain is constantly looking for ways to automate routine tasks and create efficient pathways for them. Habits are formed through a process called "chunking," where the brain groups a series of actions into a single automatic routine. Once a habit is formed, it becomes a?subconscious process, and we no longer have to consciously think about it.
Habits are formed through a?feedback loop?that involves three stages: cue, routine, and reward. The cue is a trigger that initiates the habit, the routine is the behavior or action that follows the cue, and the reward is the positive outcome that reinforces the habit. The brain learns to associate the cue with the routine and the reward, and this creates a strong?neural pathway?that makes the habit automatic.
For example, if someone has a habit of checking their phone every time they receive a notification, the cue is the notification, the routine is checking the phone, and the reward is the satisfaction of seeing the notification. Over time, this habit becomes automatic, and the person no longer thinks about it consciously. The habit or reaction is executed by their subconscious.
Subconscious processes refer to mental processes that occur outside of our conscious awareness. These processes are automatic and do not require conscious attention or effort. They are responsible for many of our everyday behaviors, thoughts, and emotions.
Subconscious processes?are controlled by the part of the brain known as the subconscious mind. This part of the mind is responsible for storing and processing information that is outside of our immediate awareness. It is constantly processing information from our environment and using this information to guide our behavior.
One of the most well-known examples of subconscious processes is driving a car. When we first learn to drive, we have to consciously think about every action, such as shifting gears and turning the steering wheel. However, with practice, these actions become automatic and subconscious. We no longer have to consciously think about them, and we can focus our attention on other things, such as the road ahead.
All your subconscious processes also play a significant role in your emotions and beliefs. Your past experiences and beliefs can shape your?subconscious mind?and influence how you perceive and respond to the world around you. For example, if you have a?subconscious belief?that you are not good enough, this can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
Subconscious processes can be influenced by various factors, including our environment, past experiences, and cultural influences. They can also be influenced by our conscious thoughts and behaviors. For example, if we repeatedly visualize ourselves achieving a particular goal, this can influence our subconscious mind and make it more likelythat we will take actions to achieve that goal.
It's now a proven fact - Your unconscious mind is running your life!
One important aspect of subconscious processes is the role they play in forming habits. Habits are automatic and?subconscious behaviors?that are triggered by specific cues or stimuli. For example, if we have a habit of checking our phone every time we receive a notification, the notification serves as the cue that triggers the habit. The habit itself is the?automatic behavior?of checking the phone.
Habits are formed through a process called "chunking," where the brain groups a series of actions into a single automatic routine. Once a habit is formed, it becomes a?subconscious process, and we no longer have to consciously think about it. This is why habits can be difficult to break, as they are deeply ingrained in our subconscious mind.
Subconscious processes can also play a role in decision-making. Research has shown that many of our decisions are made subconsciously, even before we are consciously aware of them. For example, a study conducted by researchers at the?Max Planck Institute?for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences found that participants made decisions about which button to press in a simple task before they were even consciously aware of making a decision.
These subconscious processes are automatic mental processes that occur outside of our conscious awareness. They play a significant role in your everyday behavior, thoughts, and emotions, and are responsible for many of your habits and decision-making processes. While you may not be aware of these processes, they can be influenced by various factors and can have a profound impact on our lives. Understanding and becoming more aware of your subconscious processes can help you make?conscious choices?that align with your values and goals, and can ultimately lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying life.
The Power?of Habits
Habits have a profound impact on your lives, and they can shape your behavior and your outcomes. Studies have shown that habits can affect your health, finances, relationships, and productivity. For example, a study published in the Journal of the?American Medical Association?found that habits, such as smoking, unhealthy eating, and?sedentary behavior, were responsible for more than 40% of?premature deaths?in the United States. Another study published in the?Journal of Consumer Research?found that people who had a habit of saving money were more likely to have higher levels of financial well-being.
Habits also have a significant impact on your productivity. A study published in the?European Journal of Social Psychology?found that it takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit, and this requires consistent effort and repetition. However, once a new habit is formed, it can have a powerful impact on your ability to achieve your goals. For example, a study published in the Journal of Personality and?Social Psychology?found that people who had a strong?exercise habit?were more likely to achieve their?weight loss goals?than those who did not have a habit of exercising.
Changing Habits
While habits can be powerful and influential, they are not set in stone. It is possible to learn and make new conscious choices that allow us to overcome old habits that don't serve us. When we repeat these new choices often enough, we can form new habits that eventually become unconscious and automatic. Changing habits requires a conscious effort to break the old?habit loop?and create a new one.
One effective strategy for changing habits is to identify the cue, routine, and reward associated with the habit. Once we understand the habit loop, we can experiment with different routines that provide the same reward. For example, if someone has a habit of snacking on unhealthy food in the afternoon as a way to cope with stress, they can experiment with different routines, such as taking a walk or doing a quick meditation. By finding a new routine that provides the same reward, the person can break the old habit and form a new one.
Another effective strategy for changing habits is to make small changes consistently. Research has shown that small changes, such as starting with a five-minute exercise routine or replacing one unhealthy food item with a healthy one, can have a significant impact on habit formation. By making small changes consistently, you can create new?neural pathways?in your brain that eventually become automatic habits.
Examples of Habit Formation
Habits are formed in all areas of our lives, from our health and well-being to our work and relationships. Here are a few examples of how habits can shape our lives:
Health and Well-being: Habits such as exercise, healthy eating, and?stress management?can have a significant impact on our health and well-being. A study published in the?Journal of Health Psychology?found that people who had a habit of regular physical activity had lower levels of anxiety and depression than those who did not have a habit of exercising. Another study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity found that people who had a habit of eating breakfast were more likely to have a healthy diet overall.
Work and?Productivity: Habits such as?time management,?goal setting, and focus can have a significant impact on our productivity at work. A study published in the Journal of Business and?Psychology?found that employees who had a habit of setting specific goals were more likely to be engaged and productive at work. Another study published in the?Journal of Experimental Psychology?found that people who had a habit of taking frequent breaks were more productive than those who did not take breaks.
Relationships: Habits such as?active listening, showing appreciation, and forgiveness can have a significant impact on our relationships. A study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found that people who had a habit of expressing gratitude towards their partner had higher levels of relationship satisfaction. Another study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family found that people who had a habit of forgiveness had better relationships with their romantic partners.
Habits shape your life more than we realize, and they can have a profound impact on your behavior and outcomes. Habits are formed through a feedback loop that involves a cue, routine, and reward, and they become automatic and subconscious over time. While habit scan be powerful and influential, they are not set in stone, and it is possible to change them through conscious effort and repetition.
Changing habits requires identifying the habit loop, experimenting with different routines, and making small changes consistently. Habits can be formed in all areas of your life, from health and well-being to work and relationships, and they can have a significant impact on your overall?quality of life. By understanding the power of habits and learning how to change them, we can create more positive and fulfilling lifes for yourself and much much more.
One of the habits that is worthy of learning and mastering to the point of it being subconscious is regulating your internal state and having a state of equanimity be your default and a constant in your life.
Establishing the habit of meditating is one way to kick stress to the curb.
Meditation; which is based in evidence and science (as well as ancient wisdom and practices) is tool and practice that rewires your brain to achieve states of balance and equanimity; which will serve you at every level of your life.
And a simple resouce to expore establishing a habit of meditation is the NeuroYoga.Zone? Meditation library at
So, what are your thoughts about your habits? What old habits will you kick to the curb and replace with ones that serve you? Add your comments or questions.
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