Kick-Ass Teams

Kick-Ass Teams

Hardly anything worth doing can be done alone. When a group of people comes together for a shared purpose, then we call that group a team. And when that team is particularly successful in achieving their goals, then we call such a team, a high performance team, or a world-class team, even a virtuoso team.

At Code Academy, we call such a team a Kick-Ass team.

What is a Kick-Ass Team?

Every Kick-Ass team has 11 traits. And I can work through them with a check-list to make sure they are all covered. I can use that check-list to see where my team is doing well, and what we can do to become such a kick ass team. Here's the list for you, we're gonna go through the 11 items one by one.

1. High Performer

The first one on the list is that everyone in such a Kick-Ass team is a high performer:

Everybody knows their job, everybody is competent in their role and can contribute fully to the success of the team.

2. One Big Vision

Kick-Ass teams have One Big Vision. Everybody know that One Big Vision by heart, and all their shared goals contribute to making that One Big Vision come true.

3. Alignment

Kick-Ass teams are aligned on values and on Purpose. Where purposes is why we do what we do beyond making money. And values are what guides us in our behavior which gives us strength so we can achieve that One Big Vision and so we can fulfill our purpose in the world.

4. Diversity

Diversity of personalities and interests is another trait of Kick-Ass teams. And that means that Kick-Ass teams are colorful, there are different characters in there. And that diversity and those differences of character give different perspectives on issues and challenges and problems. This diversity helps such teams to be much higher performing than teams that are homogenous.

5. Trust

Trust from Openness and Vulnerability is another trait of Kick-Ass teams. Trust is created when we know each other. And that requires opening up and also being vulnerable. When I've screwed something up I'll be open about it and share where I am. Over time, this creates a deep bond and trust in the team.

6. Conflictability

Conflictability literally means the ability to engage in conflict that is meaningful and constructive. That helps a team to achieve better results. At the same time, Conflictability means also the ability to still be friends to still get along and to still go for dinner after work and have a great time. And to still have a personal relationship that is joyful and intact.

7. Accountabilities

Everybody on the team knows what is expected of them, what I am accountable and responsible for. And I'm also clear about what other people are accountable and responsible for.

8. Decisions

Number eight on the list is Decisions are Made. And when they are made, everyone supports them. It's important to make decisions fast in some situations. Kick-Ass teams have the ability to make fast decisions and then to run with it.

9. Personal Learning

Item number nine is Personal Learning and Sharing of Ideas. That is something that people in such teams valued deeply. Although they're all great performers at what they do, and they're very competent. They are of the opinion that they're in this To learn more, to grow more in life and to do that together and to share learnings and ideas so that everybody can grow even further.

10. Wow!

Item 10 on the list is that only a WOW, is good enough as a response from customers. That's what Kick-Ass teams thrive on. That's what we want. We want people that we sell our products and services to to go, wow, this is the way to do it!

11. Leaders Who Get Out of The Way

And then lastly, Trait number 11 Is the Leaders of such teams get out of the way and let the people on the team get on with their jobs.

What next?

Now I have a little exercise that you can go through with your team and apply that list. Take a look at the people on your team.

The first step is to score each of the Kick-Ass 11 criteria on a scale from zero to 10, then add up all those scores and divide by the maximum score, which is 110. That gives you a total percentage score from zero to 100%. And then review on that list.

What are the highest scores that you gave your team? And what are the lowest scores? And out of that review, conclude what can we do more in the team? What should we do more? What do we want to do more to get to 100% and be such a kick-ass team?

Finally, please ask yourself where do I focus first as a leader? What is the action that I am going to take, that I am going to set myself as a SMART goal? Or as an as an OKR? Or whatever framework you use to set your own goals, so you can help your team to go forward on the journey and becoming a Kick-Ass team.

Do You Want More?

Did you find this exercise helpful? It is part of a training program, called the Chief-of-the-Year program with 10 different Masterclasses (and costs between 4.000€ and 10.000€).

If you want level up your team, I would like to invite you to access the "Kick-Ass" Masterclass with 8 videos and more materials. You can work through this Masterclass together with your team.


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