Kick-Ass Sales Life 2010-2020
Kick Ass Sales

Kick-Ass Sales Life 2010-2020

So, I was doodling in my workstation the other day, kind of in a trance state, and I realized something.

The difference between people who achieve what they want and those who don’t just come down to whether they get in their own way or not.

I know, duh. But for many years, I was struggling in my business and my life.

And I blamed everyone and everything else for my lack of results.

Here’s my deep dark little secret:

Even though I put on a nice fa?ade for everyone for many years in my business, here’s what was really going on:

I used to believe that I wasn’t good enough to be successful

I didn’t have faith in myself (or much of anything, to be truthful)

I used to be gripped by fear(s), often daily

I approached life from a lack perspective

I didn’t finish what I started

I lacked boundaries

I was distracted by bright shiny objects (squirrel!)

I made important life decisions from a Victim perspective

I was resentful and jealous of other people

I didn’t feel like I deserved more in my life

Basically, on the inside, I had a huge lack of self-confidence.

I just felt totally inadequate for a lot of my life.

Sooooo, when a really good opportunity came along, personally or professionally, I would talk myself out of it and wouldn’t take it, even though I knew it would take me to where I ultimately wanted to be.

Pretty shocking actually. I mean, I knew I was smart. I knew I was a good person, but this was self-sabotage at its fullest, and couldn’t seem to stop it.

Until one day.

I decided to commit to upgrading my mindset.

It didn’t just land in my lap. I mean, you can’t do your own mindset work. If you could have, you would have, right??

No, I had to make a decision and say yes to an opportunity to transform my mindset and stop getting in my own way.

And so I did. I signed up to do mindset work and within 9 months, I tripled my income in one year. And then multiplied that.

And now…

I have new beliefs and convictions that I am here for really big things

I think waaaaayyy bigger (and my clients pay me for that)

I understand the universal, spiritual principles that govern all of life

I play this game of life, not haphazardly, but according to the instructions

I have simple processes that are very powerful for getting past the fear

I continually overcome blocks that get in the way

I’ve increased my wealth consciousness (and my results, because of it)

I have Victor’s mentality now

I am not afraid of the unknown

I stand up for what I want in my life

I am intentional, I am focused, I am disciplined

I believe in myself and my capabilities

I am no longer self-sabotaging my way through life

I say yes to the opportunities that will give me what I ultimately want

I have permitted myself to play a much, much bigger game in life

And, as I mentioned, I have the results to show for it.

It really is THAT simple. (Hand slapping forehead.)

Now, I do realize that this was all about me, and I’m sorry about that. Really though, this is about you.

If you could meet the hundreds of entrepreneurs I’ve guided through my Simple Step by Step Copywriting Course over the last decade of 10+ years, you would be absolutely inspired. It is a miraculous process, and it works in just 30 days.

And the results are… staggering, beautiful, astonishing. Worthy of allowing you to feel so inspired by your own possibility that your eyes could get welled up in tears.

Breathe this in.

It is an incredibly humbling moment to realize that you were meant for so much more and that there's actually nothing that can stop you.

There is no secret, though. The only way I’ve found to get new results that astonish you and all others is to say yes to a process that gets you out of your own way and make a decision to upgrade your mindset today.

That’s it.

And I can help you. I really want to help you.

Which is why I’m writing you today.

Truly, it’s a miraculous process. You can see results.

I’m lovingly asking you to consider making this commitment to yourself. It’s your time.

No more self-sabotage, OK?

This will likely be just the miracle you’ve been asking for…

Thank you for allowing me to believe in you. Thank you for allowing me to take a stand for you.

Apply here: Copywriting Course 2021


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